
De Grande Conflict

A/N: Hey folks and welcome to my little part of the internet .Recently watched Rio 2 and was quite impressed of the film. I figure with the addition of the new characters, writers are jumping ship on writing new stories. So I joined the ship with this story. Consider my story as a time killer if there's another story better out there (which is very true) you're reading. But please enjoy and review. Criticism helps a bunch. With that said, peace out and enjoy the story!- Poshil

Chapter 1: Business Proposition

Away from the main land sleeping in the Caribbean Isles lies a small village of Prosperar, home of the greedy Migal S. Grande, a high class thief and smuggler for hire, known for pulling off heists of great magnitude. On any other normal day, he would get a call from an employer for a job involving acquiring priceless pieces of art or specimens. For today though, a particular call will be a life changer.

Migal leans back on his chair, inhaling and exhaling the fumes of his cigar as he toys around several gems and rings scattered about his desk. As he waited for a hiring of his skills, a ring sets off his phone. The smug thief kicks up the phone from the receiver and places it next to his ear as he waits for his employer.

"You have contacted the service of the S. Grande services. What is it you seek?" Migal asked as he tilted his chair back and placing his feet on top of his desk in comfort.

"Migal Grande, nice stage name. How's it going my Sanchez?" the voice replied. Migal pauses and sits up straight, and a huge grin envelops his face.

"Well call me crazy, that you Danny boy?" Migal responded.

"Alive and breathing my friend. And boy is an understatement, I'm now a man of a great empire."

"That's splendid, wish I could sell goods than services like you buddy."

"Ah Migal, your services are what builds your character. And besides, I have a proposition for you." Intrigued, Migal (Migal Sanchez) tunes in as his old friend continues on his offer.

"Go on."

"I don't know if you've already heard what's happening in my country, but I require your skills to acquire me something." Danny continued.

"Object being alive or art?"

"This one is unique that falls under both my friend. Have you ever heard of the bird species known as the Blue Spix Macaw?"

"I heard stories from the television. A couple of researchers in the Amazon stumbled upon a vast flock of them and now have them under protection; I wonder where this is going Danny." Migal replied, guessing his target.

"You read me very well amigo. I would like you and your men to acquire me one of species of the bird, each I'll pay handsomely."

"Each? Not settling with one Danny?"

"Ah now here's the catch, I'm already paying you quite handsomely for one of these Blu Macaws. But you bring me more, I pay more. Now if you happen to acquire the entire flock, let say I can pay you a lucrative amount that can buy you a country. And you know me Migal, my fortune is vast when I mean it." Stunned, Migal shook his head and replies with a fast: "Deal!"

"Ah music to my ears my friend. I would say a week should be plenty for you to acquire my birds. My men and I shall wait at the Boa Vista Airport north of Brazil by the end of the week. Once the week is up, my colleagues shall pick up the cargo and pay you the reward. Of course if it wouldn't hurt, try to keep this cargo alive."

"I can't promise you that, but you know my methods." Migal replied sarcastically. "I'll see you in a week my friend." The thief sets down the phone and presses down a button for an intercom microphone. "Amanda darling, send Kroh and Rayvin to my office."

"Yes Father!" a young girl replied. Just like that, the door to Migal's office swings open with sudden force. Instead of two large figures walking in, a pair of sleek, black crows fly in. One of the crows, a rather built and slightly larger than the other leads on and lands on the perch in the office while the smaller one follows suite. "Kroh, Rayvin, we've got a job. But this one will bring us wealth beyond our imagination, lets try not to screw up." Migal said to the two crows. The large crow let off a large grin while the other just nods silently. Its payday time.

A/N: There you have it. A plot to work with. Please review if you can and enjoy your day.

Characters belong to Blue Sky Studios and Dreamworks. Kroh and Rayvin belong to me.