Meeting The Turtles By annarborjack

Chapter One: New Friends

My name is Jack and I'm 15 years old who lives in New York City. I got short brown hair, brown eyes, and thick black glasses.I'm a pretty normal guy. I keep to myself, I love pizza, I like to play video games, that kinda stuff, So it was a normal day in April 2014. I got up at 6:30 AM and did my normal routine. I took a shower, made breakfast, that kinda stuff. Me and my friend were gonna skip school but he texted me and said he got sick. I didn't want to go to school, so I decided to skip anyway. He texted me and said "u should not skip by urself" And I said "It's fine bro, no one's gonna catch me, I'm gonna hide in the sewers." He said "ewwww nasty" I said "It's better than being in class."

So at 7 AM I started to walk to school, but I went in an alley and opened up the manhole and climbed down the latter, and I immediately was overwhelmed by the smell. "Aw crap, it smells like poop in here." And I plucked my nose. I started to walk around for a bit, and soon it became hours.

"Alright, I'm getting out of here." I said.

I started to climb up a ladder by when I came up, I saw a bad neighborhood that was known for having Purple Dragons. I saw some starting to walk toward me "Hey, you!" Then they started to run toward me "Oh crap!" I thought.

I moved down the sewer and ran as fast as I could. I ran for a while but I could still hear them following me, then all of a sudden a throwing knife ran in my foot. I screamed and fell down. The Purple Dragons looked down at me and smiled. One of them started to say "Are you ready to di-" But then I heard a high pitched voice shout "Booyakasha!"

And they turned around, and they started to be attacked, but I couldn't really see what, they moved so quick. One of them started to move toward me with his knife. I shouted "Whoever is there, someone is trying to kill me!"

Then I saw a green hand with a sai hit him on the head with the back of it. Then, I saw four giant turtles wearing masks in front of me. One of them had a blue mask, another red, another purple, and another orange. "A human!" the blue masked one said.

"Great. Just great." the red masked one said.

"Hey, calm down, he might be friendly." the purple masked one said. "

Yeah!" The orange one said, then the orange masked one walked up to me and said,"Hey bro, chill out, we ain't gonna hurt you!"

"Uhhhh, ok. No offense but what's with the costumes." I asked.

The red masked one frowned, then the purple masked one said "They aren't costumes, we are real."

"Yeah right" I said.

Then, seriously, I tried to take off his head thinking it was a mask.

"Hey, stop!" he said, moving my hands away.

"Oh, sorry." I said, embarrassed.

The red masked one rolled his eyes. Then, I fell on the floor and started to groan in pain from the knife wound. "What's wrong?" the blue one asked.

"A Purple Dragon threw a knife in his foot, he's losing blood." the purple masked one said.

"We should take him home!" the orange masked one said.

Even though these guys seemed ok, I was still creeped out because I didn't really know them that much, they could be creeps, but I knew I would bleed out if I didn't go with them, so I said "Yeah, can I?"

The blue masked one said "If you go, you need to promise that you aren't gonna tell anyone we exist."

"Yeah, I promise." I said.

"If he told anyone, do you really think anyone would believe him Leo?" the red masked one said.

"I was just saying." The blue masked one replied.

Then, I passed out. I woke up with the purple masked one looking down at me. "Oh, hi, you're awake." he said.

"Heh, yeah. Can I get up?" I asked.

"Sure." the purple masked one said.

The orange masked one came up and said "Who's ready for some Call of Duty Ghosts action?"

"Mikey, I'm patching up our guest. Just calm down." the purple masked one said.

I chuckled. Then, a giant rat came out and said, "Hello, young man."

I just stared at it shocked, "Uhhhhhhhhhh, hi." I said.

"I'm sure the sight of me must be a shock to you." It said, half-heartedly.

"Oh, no, sorry, it's just, I've never seen giant talking turtles and rats before that walk, talk, have weapons, and wear masks." I said.

The rat said "I'm sure you haven't."

Then the blue and red masked ones walked up, "Is he ok?" the blue masked one asked.

"Yeah." the purple masked one said. "

Can he be trusted?" the red masked one said.

I said"Look, I'm just a teenage kid. I am not gonna tell anyone about you. Speaking of which, do you guys have names?"

The blue masked one said, "My name is Leonardo, or Leo for short. I'm the leader of my four brothers, and Splinter, the rat, is our master. The one in red is Raphael, he's got the most attitude on the team."

"Hey!" Raphael exclaimed.

"The one in orange is Michelangelo" Michelangelo said "That's me" While smiling.

"Trust me when I say that you're gonna know where to find him when it's party time. Last but not least, the one who healed you up, in the purple, is Donatello."

"Hey there." Donatello said, smiling.

Then I heard two more voices, a girl and a guy, and they both sounded familiar. "God, that science test was challenging, wasn't it?" The girl said.

"I just didn't do it." the guy said.

"Of course you didn't" the girl said.

Then they walked in and saw me, and I knew who they were, and they knew me as well.

They were April O'Neal and Casey Jones, they were in my history class.

"Jack?!" Casey exclaimed.

"What is he doing here?" April asked.

Leonardo said "We found him in the sewers, he was being attacked by the Purple Dragons and we helped him, but a Purple Dragon threw a knife in his foot and Donnie patched him up. Speaking of which, why were you in the sewers?"

"I was walking and then they attacked me. I ran in here to hide." I said.

"You should've been at school! Why weren't you?" April asked.

"Oh, I was uh, skipping." I said.

"You didn't go to school! That sounds horrible!" Donatello shouted at me.

"Yeah, I know, Mikey." I said.

"No, I'm Mikey! He's Donatello, or Donnie." Michelangelo said.

"Oh sorry, so let me get this straight" Then I pointed at Leonardo "You're Raphael right?"

Leonardo looked at me dumbfounded. Raphael slapped his forehead, "No, let me go over this. Blue is Leonardo, Red is me, Raphael, Orange is Michelangelo, and Purple is Donatello." Raphael said.

"Oh, sorry." I said.

"Yeah, it took me a while to figure it out." Casey said

." So, how exactly do you guys exist?" I asked.

Splinter started to explain "16 years old I was a human. I got into a confrontation with my enemy is Japan, Oroku Saiki. He killed my family."

"Ouch, that sucks." I said.

Splinter continued, "I fled here to America, and for a year I lived in the sewers befriending the rats. A strange ooze fell from the surface and contaminated me and the turtles, which also fell from the surface, I turned into a rat since I had the most recent contact with it. At first, the turtles were just simple turtles, but I taught them how to walk, talk, read, and write. And soon they developed their own unique personalities, I named them after my favorite Renaissance artists."

"Yeah, we are learning about them in school, I picked up on that." I said.

Splinter smiled and continued, "When they grew a little older I decided to train them in the art of ninjitsu. Now, they are, as I call them, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

"I hate that name." Raphael said, rolling his eyes.

"I like it!" Michelangelo said.

"So, since it was 15 years old, you guys are like, 15 right?" I asked.

"In a sense, yeah." Donatello said.

"Hey, you haven't told us about you Jack!" Mikey said.

I said "Well, not much to say. I um, like video games and I love pizza."

"Me too! My two favorite things!" Mikey said.

"Really?" I said, smiling.

"Yeah, all he ever does is play video games and eat pizza." Raphael said.

"That's all any of us ever eat." Donatello said.

"Well, he is right about that." Leonardo said.

"I'm into machines, inventing stuff." Donnie said.

"Sounds cool." I said.

"I hate to break up the party, but shouldn't you be getting home? You're parents are probably worried sick." Leo said.

"Well, it's 3:30 right now and my parents show up at 5, and it should take me a half hour to get home, so I got an hour." I said.

"Cool, we can have pizza and play video games!" Mikey said.

I smiled and said, "Sounds good to me!" The next hour was a very interesting one. We ate pizza, Michelangelo and I played video games, watched an episode of Godzilla: The Series and talked about how much it would suck if Godzilla was real, Donatello showed me a couple of his inventions, that kinda stuff, Then, 4:30 hit. "Well, I guess I better go." I said to Mikey while we were playing Mortal Kombat.

"Aww, really?" he asked.

"Yeah, really." I said.

Then, I decided to say a few things to them.

I went into Leonardo room. "Oh, hi. Do you need something?" he asked.

"Well, I get bullied at school, and I'm not a good fighter. I was thinking you could train me at bit, everyday after school." I asked.

Leo smiled and and said, "Yeah, sure, let's do it." he said.

Then I walked into Raphael's room, he looked up and said, "What do you want?"

"So, I get bullied at school, and I know that you have the most attitude of you and your brothers. I was thinking you could tell me some come back lines?" I asked.

Raph smiled and said, "You're looking at the master of come backs. Sure, we'll do it."

Then I walked into Donatello's room, he was working on a gadget. "Oh hey, didn't see you there. I'd love to chat but I'm busy."

I just decided to say anyway, "Hey, my grades are bad in school, and I can see you're smart. Maybe you could give me some homework help?" I asked.

Donnie smiled and said, "Yeah, sounds fun!"

I started to walk out, then Splinter came up to me and said, "Hey Jack?" "What is it?" I asked.

"Michelangelo is very lonely, he longs for a friend. Is it ok if you came every day after school and played games with him?"

I looked at Mikey, who sat there playing with a Godzilla action figure by himself, then I looked back at Splinter and said, "Yeah."

"Also, Jack, there are forces that are trying to kill us." Splinter said.

I said "Kill you? Who's trying to kill you? The police? You know what I always say? Fu-"

"No, not the police. An army of ninjas called the Foot Clan, and Baxter Stockman and his mousers. If they attack us here, or if they find out you are our ally, I cannot guarantee your safety."

"Well, I guess that's what I'm training with Leo for. And it's not like Godzilla's gonna roll in here or anything" I said, and he laughed.

Then I walked up to Michelangelo and said "Hey guess what?"

"What?" he asked.

"I'm gonna come everyday and play video games with you."

Mikey's eyes lit up, "Really?!" he asked.

"Really." I said, smiling.

"Awesome!" Mikey said, who seemed to be happy.

"Alright, I have to go now." I said.

I finally started to go home. My parents showed up only a minute after I did. My mom asked me "How was your day today?"

I smiled and said "I made some new friends."