
I see a panting Natsu in the doorway. Sweat dripping down his forehead. I want to great him. Happy that he came, that he still cares. But all I can do is smile weakly as he looks at me with bewilderment and hurt in his eyes, but before everything went black I heard myself whisper something, "You came," and somehow I put so much emotion into the one word that he started crying. Then he faded away into the darkness, along with my smile.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail!

Natsu P.O.V:

That night, when Lucy had screamed my name, I experienced true fear. Had I hurt her feelings somehow, had I hurt, her? Then I heard her scream other names. I started running, my ears and my nose guiding me. I turned into an alley way and the screams were closer. I had heard what sounded like a brawl, with only one person fighting, then, footsteps walking away. The screams stopped. I heard a voice. A woman and a man, they had seen her on the ground. Someone, I'm guessing the man, picked her up. Just to think, on the other side of this wall, Lucy was in pain. Dammit! I punched the wall. I had to go all the way around the city to get to the other side.

Finally, I got to a building which supposedly held Lucy captive. I pushed the door open as fast as I could and there was a pregnant woman tending to her wounds. I looked at Lucy, she slowly opened her big brown eyes and she barely whispered it but I could hear it, "You came," then her body went limp as if it took all her energy to say those two measly words. I cried, something I had not done since I saw Lisanna in Edolas.

Lucy P.O.V:

When I opened my eyes, I was in my room. How I got there? Who knows? I sat up instantly. The pain was gone. Maybe Wendy healed them. She must be tired; I had a lot of wounds. Natsu was pacing the room. He went side to side, side to side. Even though the pain was gone, I could still remember it. Natsu was completely ignoring me. So I got up and went to the restroom to take a shower. I turned on the faucet to hot and started to strip. When I look at my stomach I realize that there are bruises and marks. Actually, they are all over my body. I poke on and feel no pain at all. I step inside the shower, the water is practically BOILING. Oh well, I'll just turn it down to cold and up again, as she did that she heard the window open and she guessed that either Natsu left, or Happy came in.

*Timeskip, five minutes after the shower.*

I walk out, to find my room empty. Surprisingly, I was sad that no one was in my room, it made me feel lonely. I grabbed my belt, my keys, and my whip. I open my door, ready to walk outside, when something flitters down to my feet, a letter. I bend down to pick it up. And sure enough, there's my name on the front with beautiful golden spiral writing. The letter was closed with a red wax seal and an emblem with a crown on top of a cloud. I peeled the wax off and pulled out the letter. The writing was neat and in black penmanship. It wrote,

"Dear Lucy,

This is a threat. You need to leave. I don't like how you are always getting in my way. You may have noticed, or you may have not, but either way, I am slowly taking everything you love. If you don't leave Team Natsu, and more importantly, Fairy Tail, there will be dire consequences. Starting with your health and well being.

Your Friend, _.

I gasped at the last line. My friend? None of my friends would've done this. Maybe they were just joking, maybe it's my enemy. I picked up the letter and ran as fast as I could towards Fairy Tail. I went up to masters room, and knocked. It was at that moment, I realized, I wasn't wearing shoes. I knocked again, no answer. "Master? It's me, Lucy. Are you in there?" I put my ear up against the door, no answer. I slowly open the door. And there he was, napping on the desk. I gently shoved hum so he would wake up. He slowly opened his eyes as if he were an old cat.

Master's P.O.V:

I opened my eyes and standing over me, was Lucy. She was a good mage who hung out with troublesome friends. "Lucy? Why are you here? What's wrong? Did Natsu do something?"

She looked at me, then she handed me a letter. As soon as I set my eyes on it, it disappeared. Her eyes opened wide, like a Doe's. And slowly, she walked away. "Wait," she turned to look at me, sadness in her eyes, "What did it say?" I asked questionably.

She put on a smile, "Oh nothing," she said in her usually cheery voice.

*Timeskip 8 days later*

Lucy P.O.V:

So far I have gotten 16 of those letters. 4 days ago, Natsu kicked me out of Team Natsu. He didn't even give me a reason. Today is the day I am going to quit Fairy Tail, because the last letter I got was threatening my father and all the maids. I walked up to Masters room and told him the news, I told him everything that has been going on, especially the letters. He was sad, but he still let me go tellingD me that I'll always be welcome. I said my goodbyes, shed some tears, gave some hugs and then I left.

Natsu P.O.V:

I feel terrible about kicking Lucy off the team. Especially since Lisanna is even weaker than her. But I didn't kick her off because she wasn't strong, I kicked her off because she kept on looking at Lisanna as if Lisanna had hurt Lucy somehow. The thought crossed my mind that Lisanna had done it, but Lisanna has no reason to do that to Lucy.

I walked into the guild hoping to be feeling everyone's happiness in the glum mood I was in. But instead, I just felt even sadder. I went up to Mira, "What's up with everyone's mood? It's sooooo gloomy in here," I said with a smile tilting my head back to listen.

She looked at me, the sadness in her eyes was greater than ever before, well except when Lisanna died. "Lucy left," My eyes widened.

I ran out of the guild hall in a hurry stopping for no one. I ran into her house expecting to see her packing, but when I got there everything was empty. There were no pink sheets on the bed, no novel in progress on the table. I opened the door and a note felt out. The envelope had Lucy's name on it. It was written in gold curvy writing. Damn she still has mail. I should deliver this to her, quickly coming up with an excuse to go after her. I sighed, knowing that already, she is probably LONG gone. So I quickly peeled off the wax and opened it. I pulled out the letter and started to read aloud;

"Dear Lucy,

How did you like those last sixteen letters? Happy? Ok now let's get to the point. If you don't leave Fairy Tail, I'm going to hurt your friends, starting with Natsu. Oh! Even worse I'm going to lie to them, saying that you punched me. Everyone will hate you! Poor little Lisanna they thought. She didn't do anything! Especially that Natsu, he will be furious! Isn't it great how I ruined your life! Natsu will be all mine! YOU CAN NOT HAVE HIM!

Your friend, _"

I was angered! Sad that Lisanna would do such a thing. But mostly angry. Angry that anyone would even try to hurt Lucy! I was going to make her pay! She sunk so low to the level of black mail. When I set it down it disappeared. Oh well, I remember everything. And first I was going to tell Master.