Animelover577 here! This is my first ever story! I love Hannibal to death so I decided I would do a Hannibal fanfiction. Please be gentle with your reviews as this is my first story. And if you want to see something in this story go ahead and ask I will try and put it in there. This a AU story so it's not quite like the Tv series.



Will Graham wasn't a naive child. He knew his family's situation with money. People didn't exactly flock to his father to have their boat engines fixed. And his mother's job as a maid at Hotel Hobbs didn't exactly pay big bucks. So honestly it should not have really come as a surprise when his mother broke the news to him.

"Will" echoed throughout the small house. Barely being able to be heard above the loud drone of his father's latest engine project. Loud footfalls could be heard as Will raced down the stairs,almost tripping and face planting on the last step.

"Yes mama?" Will beamed up at his mother when he arrived by her side in the kitchen. If you were to ask anybody even Will himself they would easily claim that he was a mamas boy. Will loved his mother more than anything In the world. Don't get him wrong,he loved his father but he was just more attached to his mother. And it was a simple as that.

She smiled fondly down at Will as she gently stroked his hair. "I have some big news for you,why don't you go sit down at the table and I'll be right there." Will cocked his head curiously at his mother but obeyed none the less. He did after all want to get cookies after dinner. Will's mother methodically wiped her hands dry on the dish towel as she stared out the window. Debating in her mind just how to break the news to Will. Glancing out of the corner of her eyes she couldn't help but smile at her son as he swung his legs and bounced with anticipation in his seat. Oh her son was innocent,so obedient and loving. She just hoped he took the news well and understood everything.

As Will's mother sat down Will began to tense up with anticipation. "What is mama going to tell me? Gasp maybe she's going to to tell me that I'm getting a new toy! Or even better maybe a little brother or sister!" Will's face lit up at the prospect of having a younger sibling. His parents were often busy and Will was a rather shy,awkward child so he didn't really have any friends to play with. It became rather lonely at times but if he was to have a younger siblings it would not longer be lonely. Well at least that's what his childish mind concluded.

Sensing Will anticipation Will's mother sighed wearily as she knew he would probably be less than happy with her news. Taking his small,warm hands in her own hands she began to speak. "Now Will you know that me and daddy work very hard and sometimes even that just isn't enough." Will's excited face fell as he looked curiously at his mother. "Yes I do. And I am ready to take full responsibility for them." Will was starting to have a strange feeling about this. Was she saying that maybe they would have to give up more for his new sibling? Because he would gladly give up everything in order to just not be lonely anymore.

She smiled fondly as she realized what he was probably thinking. As much as it would be wonderful to have another child,they just couldn't afford it. But now with the news she was about to give him she hoped she would at least be able to get more of the things he liked and not have to make him with just hand me downs.

"Now that you understand Will I have big news for you." Will immediately sat up straighter as he waited to hear the news that he would be a older brother... But it never came,instead he sat there dumb struck as he tried to process what his mother had just told him.

"Will you have a fiancé." Kept echoing throughout his head as he slowly looked up at his mother. Tears started to pool up in his eyes and he began to shake with upcoming sobs. Through his tear filled eyes he could see that his mother was looking at him completely seriously and it wasn't just a little joke on him. Not being able to hold it in any longer he burst into a fit of wailing and hiccuping sobs. He didn't want to a fiancé! He didn't want to get married to some stranger! He wanted to marry mama one day and spend the rest of his life happy,never leaving her side.

Seeing her son burst into tears Will's mother became immediately worried and regretful as she rushed to his side to comfort him. "Shhh, it's ok baby. What's wrong? Why are you crying like that?" She stroked his hair softly while pulling him into her lap and cradling him. Will grabbed a fist full of her dress as he sobbed into her chest.

"I..I d-don't wanna g-g-get married t-to anyone...b-but you mama!" Will bawled to her as he looked up into her face to see what she would say. Will's mother couldn't help smile at her son's statement. It was completely natural for children Will's age to want to marry one of their parents. But still she had to convince him that having a fiancé wasn't so bad and that he would love his future husband to be.

"Oh Will" she sighed out. Finally calming down Will looked back up at his mother. "You know I love my little Cookie Monster " she cooed into his hair. Will giggled at the feeling and his pet name his mother loved to call him after he once devoured a whole jar of cookies by himself. "But me and daddy are married and I can't be your wife as well." Will looked up at his mother in up most horror at her words. "But why not?" Will whined. It wasn't fair he had every right as daddy did to marry mama.

Will's mother laughed at her sons persistence. It was a comforting thought to know he loved her so much before he would probably enter his teenage rebellious faze and think it uncool to love your mom. But she was getting of topic. She had to address the problem at hand right now.

"Well because I love your daddy dearly and also I'm sure you will come to love your fiancé just as dearly,maybe even more." Will cringed at the mere reminder of his fiancé. He absolutely would not love his fiancé like that. In fact right now he hated his stranger fiancé. Sensing her sons foul mood Will's mother sighed. "Will, please can't you just meet them first?" But Will was stubborn and he pouted in his mother's lap with his arms crossed. Using it as her last resort she took his face in her hands while snuggling his hair which her nose. "Please? Do it for mama." She asked in her most gentle voice. It was unfair but she knew Will couldn't refuse a request from his mother.

Glancing up at his mother Will pouted further. "If it's what you want mama then I guess I can meet them." He mumbled while hiding his face his mother dress. She beamed down at her son for she had finally got him to agree.

"Good,now they are coming over tomorrow at 1:30 so I want you to go clean your room." Will's head immediately shot up at her request. "But mom!" He whined. "No buts" she sung to him. Will sighed heavily and stomped up the stairs.

Smiling at his dramatic display she returned to washing the dishes. That was until she heard a lot crash followed by a couple of bangs. Poking her head out of the kitchen she was greeted with the site of Will looking down at her from the top of the stairs with the most disturbed face. " mama," he said carefully "when you kept saying they what exactly did you mean?" She regarded Will curiously and smiled a reassuring simile. "Oh that? Your fiancé along with his mother are coming. You have nothing to worry about I have know his mother for a long time." Will visibly relaxed as he digested the information. "Oh ok that's nice." Will began to walk up the stairs back to his messy room. While his mother returned to the dishes. Until she heard he sons loud yelling. "WAIT A SECOND! DID YOU SAY HE?!" She heard him screech. Smiling to herself she returned to washing the dishes,ignoring his cries of protest and all the while thinking to herself. "Oh this is going to be so fun!"


Oh Gosh please don't kill me! I tried my hardest to make it good. So if you guys honestly hate it I will probably stop writing it since I don't want to disappoint. Oh and also can you guys help me come up with names for Wills parents and Hannibal parents cause calling them just "parents" or "he and she" is very weird and doesn't sound good in the story. Please review! And please be gentle with me!