Epoloug (However you spell it.)

AN/: so I was having problems with my computer and I restarted it back to the factory settings so I lost all my chapters and since I don't have anything, I am going to write an epoloug!

"Perseus Jackson, if you mess this up for Silena-" Annabeth warns her husband.

"I won't mess it up this time." Percy holds his hands up in defeat.

Annabeth pulls Percy close. "If you mess this up, I will have Clarrisse gut you with her electric spear-" Her hands moves to her dagger, hidden in her shirt sleeve.

Percy kisses her forehead. "I promise Wise Girl. But if that boy-" Percy's expression changes. His hand moves to his pocket.

Annabeth wacks his upside the head. "Seaweed Brain, he's twelve."

"Remember when I was twelve? Our first quest-" The door opens and two figures step into the room.

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad." Silena Sally Jackson steps into the house and out of the rain. "This is Charlie."

Percy flinches. "Nice to meet you, Charlie." He shakes the young boy's hand.

Annabeth walks up with a fake smile. "Charlie! Nice to meet you! I'm Annabeth and this is my husband, Percy!" She shakes his hand.

"Um, we're going to watch TV..." Silena guides Charlie from the situation.

"That one name-" Percy whispers and throws his hands up and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Percy- we can't do this now-" Annabeth hugs her husband. She looks around. "Where's Luke?" She looks around for her elder son.

"I think he went out." Percy kisses her forehead and turns on the TV.

He pulls her on his lap and flips through the channels. "So, we're free this weekend, what should we do?"

"Well..." Annabeth stretches out the word. "We could tell the kids... And we could go to camp..." She looks into her husbands eyes.

"Annabeth, do you know how much monsters they will attrack?" Percy twirls a piece of her hair around his finger.

"Silena almost caught me cleaning my dagger and Luke asked about our shirts in the bottom of our drawer. Percy, Luke is fourteen, I think he needs to know atleast." Annabeth leans her head into his chest.

Silena and Charlie walk into the living room. "What's with the weird nicknames?" Charlie asks.

Silena crosses her arms over her chest. "I have no idea."

"Nico, you need to drop off Bianca at school today!" Thalia yells over the loud music that blares from the livingroom.

Nico stalks into the kitchen. "Why do I have too? I thought we were going to tell her after school!" The son of Hades grumbles.

Thalia crosses her arms. "I have a reunion with the hunters in an hour, so you need to take Bianca!" The retired hunter sighs. "Can you please just take her?"

Nico wraps his arms around her. "Sure, then can we tell her after school. I want to go back to camp." He kisses her forehead.

"Dad?" The twelve year old stalks into the room. "What's Camp Half Blood?" She holds up a battered orange T-shirt.

Nico glares at Thalia. "We'll tell you after school, honey. Go get dressed, I'm taking you to school today."

Nico hated to see how is daughter acted like him, she wore his avaiter jacket with all black clothes. Her black hair was long and tangled and she sat in the corners off the classrooms.

"Bianca! Come here! I'm going to do your hair!" Thalia yelled as she turned the music down.

"But Mom-" Bianca complained.

"No complaining." Thalia grabbed a brush and and started yanking on her hair. "Have you heard of Greek mytholigy?"

"Jason! Come on! We're meeting Percy and Annabeth! Are you ready yet? My whole cabin could take less time then you." Piper insults her husband up the stairs.

"Oh mommy? Can I go see Aunt Annabeth and Uncle Percy too?" Four year old Lucy beggs her mother.

"I'm sorry honey. Grandma Aphrodite is coming to babysit tonight though!" Piper trys to look enothusiastic as posible.

Lucy stomps her foot. "I don't like Grandma Aphrodite. She always puts makeup on me and buys me new clothes. I like Grandpa Jupiter! He plays with me and Henry!"

Piper bends down to her daughter. "If I could, I would switch parents." Piepr whispers as Jason comes down the stairs.

"Switch what?" He has a clean Roman shirt on.

"Switch parents." Piper stands up to kiss her husbands cheek. "Are you ready?"

Jason grabs her hand. "Sure." He bends down to his daughter. "Be good for Grandma, okay?" He kisses her cheek.

"I'll try." Lucy tries to look as innocent as possible.

"Henry!" Jason calls upstairs.

The twelve year old stomps down the stairs. "What Dad?" He crosses his arms.

"We're going out. Grandma Aphrodite is coming over." Jason says to his son.

"Why can't we stay home alone?" Henry huffs.

"Should we tell him?" Jason whispers to Piper.

"I guess." Piper whispers back.

"Henry come here." Jason holds out his hand. "Have you ever heard of the Roman and Greek gods?"

"Frank! Come on! The kids are going to be late on their first day!" Hazel pushes her husband in the car.

"I'm hurrying!" The son of Mars yells.

"Mommy? Where are we going?" Six year old Sammy pesters his mother.

"You're going to school, Honey." Hazel pats her son's arm.

"Mama! Can I have chocolate?" Little Anna yells from her car seat.

"Not right now, honey." She looks over at her husband and sighs.

"Mom, do we really have to go to school? I want to go back to camp." Twelve year old Alice growls from her seat.

Frank sighs. "You and me both." He mumbles. "We're here!" He says.

"Everybody out!" Hazel makes a swooping motion with her arms and all but one kid files out.

"Well, this is exciting." Hazel squeals to her husband.

"Yeah." Frank rubs his forehead. "So exciting, peace and quiet for once."

The forget about Anna in the back seat. "Mama! Mama! Can I have chocolate now?" She screams at the top of her lungs.

Hazel surpreses a nervous laugh. "Of course honey."

So! How was that? I will start on the Kellie story right away! I only have 3.5 days left in school as of today. Please reveiw and give me some ideas, I'm thinking also about doing a captain America one! R&R!