This is the last chapter folks!

So yeah, I'm sorry, but I can't really find more words to end this story with.

Let's start with the apologize.



Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry #Sorry Again

#Sorry to the end(of this chapter)

"Amy, C'mon, where is Beca?" Donald yelled.

"NEVER, YOUR DIVA WAS A DOUCHEBAG" Amy yelled and slammed the door.

"Amy, seriously, he wants to make up? Where is she?" Benji asked softly.

Amy huffed, "I can't tell you!" She yelled. "But she is living her dream, let that little girl be alone, dreaming!"

"Perfect, what now?" Donald sighed.

"In high school, Jesse told me once that she always wanted to L.A" Benji shrugged.

Donald narrowed his eyes.

"So...How many albums do you got?" Jesse asked the girl he was going to do a duo with on the festival.

"Two" The blonde smiled to him.

He nodded and fiddled with his guitar, "What are 'em called?" He muttered.

"The first one is called, 'I love you, you little piece of hotness', and the other is called 'Fuck off, you were never hot, you piece of shit'"

Jesse swallowed, "That's… poetic"

"So…" She smiled and sat closer to him. "I can see the sad eyes" She sighed.

Jesse groaned, "Why does everybody say that? I'm actually having great times"

"But you got plot holes, right?" She smirked.

Jesse looked at her confused. She laughed, "Well, I have to go now, bye Jesse"

"Bye, Juliet" He sighed.

He walked around the studio, drumming his fingers on the wall. He sighed, grabbed his guitar bag, and ran out.

Jesse walked to the grocery store. "Banana, banana, bananas" He sang, desperately looking after bananas. A red haired girl walked past him, he narrowed his eyes on her. His expression softened as he recognized her, "Hillary?" He grinned. The girl looked at him, surprised, "Oh, Jesse" She said awkwardly.

"Long time ago" He scoffed.

"Uh, yeah..." She muttered. "Uh, what I said about that my mother's house was on fire… I just said that cause-"

"Yeah, I got that. Because your mom lives in New York..." He looked awkwardly down.

"Yeah… I was kind of… bored"

Jesse tried to say something, "I just… uh, do you want to- join me on an air balloon?"


"What?" Jesse whispered to himself.

The boys ran into the apartment, Jesse wasn't sitting on the couch as usual.

Luke shrugged and walked into the mini bar. He took out a glass and filled it up with whiskey.

"Yeah, maybe not" Benji said carefully and took his glass away.

Donald walked towards Jesse's room; he cleared his throat, "Jesse?" He asked loudly and walked backwards. The boys looked curiously at his door.

He walked in, buttoning up his shirt, "Hi guys" He said and slightly laughed.

They walked after him; he turned around and looked questioning at them.

"Beca is in L.A" Donald grinned.

"Doesn't surprise me, she always wanted there so.." He shrugged and took out the juice from the fridge.

"Uh, and you're going after her. Right?" Luke crossed his arms.


They looked at each other confused. Hillary walked out of the bedroom in her underwear.

"Going already?" Jesse asked her. The boys jaw dropped as they looked at her.

"Yeah…" She muttered and packed herself inside her coat. "See ya'"

Jesse smiled and waved, "I think we're getting in place again"

Donald scoffed, "Did you fuck Hillary?"

Jesse scoffed, "Yeah, I guess"

"Dude, do you know that she is married?"

"Yeah, she mentioned that" He deadpanned.

Luke sighed, "Hillary is a slut, Jesse"

Jesse didn't say anything, he was in hurry to his room.

"What the hell happened with you, Jesse?" Benji yelled after him.

"Listen, it was always you who tried to convince me to do stuff like this, why are you even complaining?" He shouted at them.

"But are you enjoying it?" Luke raised up an eyebrow.

Jesse didn't answer. "You're a softhearted, Jesse. Why can't you just admit it?" Benji asked carefully.

"Why do you guys even care?"

"I think you like her, dude. That's all" Donald shrugged.

"Beca is fucking stubborn, okay? However, a really good actor. She isn't worth it, she was just a journalist. She ain't special, she is just a girl"

Benji shook his head and walked out. "Benji- dude, C'mon," He yelled as Benji slammed the door.

Donald grabbed his jacket and walked out.

"Luke-"Before he could say more, he felt a fist of steel crashing into his cheek.

He opened his eyes and groaned, watching Luke storming out. Jesse held his hand on his cheek and ran to the doorway, "GUYS, C'MON, STOP KIDDING WITH ME"

Jesse sighed and sat down on the floor, he looked at Beca's number. He bit his lip and shook his head.

"CHEERS" Beca and the crew yelled and took a sip of her drink.

"So… what are we celebrating, exactly?"

"It's the third day of filming the music video, that's what we're celebrating" Evan laughed and patted her on the shoulder.

"It's the third day of filming, what's special with that?" She smirked and pushed him playfully on the chest.

Everybody looked at here in silence, Beca could hear someone sniffing in silence, Josh cleared his throat.

"Every third day in a process is important," Josh said with a serious face.

"Oh, so when I was working in the studio, I didn't get some fancy evening every third day?" Beca joked.

"Whaaat, I came with food to you every evening" Evan pouted.

"Dude, it was burned!"

"Not that time I gave you sushi" He said proudly.

Beca rolled her eyes, "You mean the empty box?" She raised her eyebrow.

He looked down, "I'm just a human," He muttered.

Shelley narrowed her eyes, staring at the empty bottle. "Wanna hang out in the bar, we're empty" She laughed.

Beca scratched her arm as they walked out. Evan turned around and looked at her, "Are you coming?"

Beca shook her head and grabbed her jacket, "Nah, I'm going home. Need some sleep"

"Oh C'mon! You're never joining us having fun! Just working and working. You deserve a night off problems"

"Excuse me, but I need some me-time!" Beca laughed.

Shelley sighed, "Come later if you want to then." She said quickly and walked out of the room with the rest.

Evan crossed his arms, "What?" Beca sighed.

"I'll follow you home" He said and grabbed his jacket.

"You don't need to look at me like you're doing a big favor; we live on the same floor" Beca deadpanned.

He shrugged and wrapped his arm around her shoulder with a grin.

"Ugh" Beca grunted and ran her fingers through her wet hair.

"I guess it was just an accident" Evan laughed.

"Um, didn't you see him? He was all grumpy and stuff, I don't think that he spilled that water all innocent" Beca rolled her eyes. Evan snorted, "It's not funny" Beca gritted and punched his chest.

"Yeah, okay. I'm sorry, really sorry" He said and held his hands up in defense.

"I can still see the smile" Beca said and took a step closer.

"Not that, just…" He whispered and leaned forward. Beca swallowed and took a grip on his shoulder, "I don't think that's a good idea" She whispered.

He leaned slowly back. "No of course, 'cause-"


"That would be awkward anyway, I mean, less awkward- but, uh"

"Yeah" Beca nodded, walking backwards.

"And uh-" He scratched the back of his neck. "That would be totally weird, you know."

"And I'm not really in mood to that and stuff"

"Of course" He cleared his throat.

"Goodnight" Beca said fast and walked to her door. She pulled the door, leading to nowhere.


"Yeah, I know that!" She said and walked in!"

Jesse sat down on a chair; it was still 5 minutes before it started. His foot was shaking nervously; it wasn't the people he was afraid of. Just the words, they weren't expressing his minds, more of the opposite.

"Nervous?" Juliet sat down next to him with a bottle of water.

"Nah" He muttered, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"What is it?"

"I don't want this. I have to clean things up" He groaned.

"Ah, finally you admitted it" She laughed.

He raised an eyebrow.

"You know, if you want to… I can just ask Gale if he could do it?" She chewed on her lip as she stared at Gale.

Jesse smirked, "Because you like him?"

"Eye, don't complain. He is hot, bonus for me. And you'll leave, good for you" She huffed.

Jesse held his hands up in defense.

She sighed, "Fine, let's start."

Beca took on her leather jacket, it was cold and foggy. The crew took the camera and the equipment near the bridge.

"Yeah, it's some noise in the background because of the trains, but just ignore that" Beca yelled.

"Where's Tess?"

"HERE" The blonde yelled, sitting on a chair, getting her make up ready. "I'm here" She said calmly.

Beca heard a familiar voice from the radio, Jesse's voice. She took a deep breath and tried to ignore it. His voice was warm, Beca smiled lightly. Getting back to reality, she cleared her throat, "Could you guys turn off the radio? It's disturbing" She snapped.

They looked questioning at each other, mouthing and whispering.

Beca took a deep breath, "Sorry, just...Continue"

They shrugged and turned it on again.

While filming, Beca paid attention to the radio, hearing that they suddenly stopped playing.

"Uh, sorry" She heard Jesse's voice say.

Everybody turned their head and looked at the radio.

"Yeah, I don't know if you can hear this, but I'm sorry!"

"Sorry for what?" Beca responded, she looked around, realizing that she was responding to the speakers.

"Jesse? What are you doing?" A girl's voice said.

"Uh, Juliet- just take the guitar, or, uh, give it to Gale or whatever-"They stopped broadcasting just as Jesse stunned.

"What was that about?"

"Dunno" Beca shrugged, she really didn't know. "Okay, let's just continue"

"You're coming?" Evan asked as he walked past Beca.

"Yeah" She nodded with a smile. She took a deep breath and looked at the water under the bridge.

A blue scarf fluttered in front of her face. She took a step back and felt someone catching her arms from behind.

Beca looked up surprised, finding Jesse's sparkling eyes smiling to her eyes. Beca pushed him back and stood up fast.

"Whoa" Jesse breathed.

She cleared her throat, "You're late"

The wind was making a lock of his brown hair falling down on his forehead. "I had to shave!" He laughed.

He stopped laughing and looked at her, unsure if she was mad or happy.

"Five months" She crossed her arms.

"Yeah, sorry…my fault. I was kind of stupid and an asshole." He muttered.

Beca looked anywhere else from his eyes.

"So…uh. We didn't really get to do that album" He smirked.

"Is that why you came here?" She scoffed.

"Nah, not really" He scratched his arm. "I kind of came her to kiss you"

"Oh" Beca blushed and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "Cool" She mumbled.

"So…uh. Could we make out?" Jesse asked.

"Yes please" Beca breathed.

Jesse walked towards her. Before he knew it, Beca grabbed the back of his neck and pressed her lips on his.

He wrapped the blue scarf around her shoulder, "You forgot it home," He whispered and pressed his lips on her cold temple.

"Never do that again, okay?" He asked.

"Do what?" Beca frowned.

"Doesn't matter, just promise me that"

"I promise, Jesse," She whispered.