Ten years have passed since the christening of small Stefan II, who grew up strong and healthy as Maleficent had said. He was becoming a smart kid, showed great wisdom for his age, cared about people and felt compassion for the unfortunate.

He was a very restless and adventurous boy, always exploring unknown places of the palace and leaving the fairies concerned with such boldness that sometimes created many confusions that they needed to solve.

"Stefan, come back here! Oh, heavens! My hair is turning white!" Flora cried flying behind the little boy, who ran gleefully wielding a wooden sword.

"I'm a knight and I'll save the dragons!"

"Shouldn't you hunt dragons?" Merryweather said laughing that unusual posture.

"No! I hunt who hunt dragons! They must be preserved!"

(Flora) "This is what happens when we let him spend time with Maleficent! She is misrepresenting his head!"

"I want to visit Aurora and Aunt Maleficent! When we will to the their castle?"

"In a week." Fauna said patiently. "Maleficent is traveling now."

The boy visited his sister regularly, even though his parents do not approve much. But he always had fun, learned new things and enjoyed spending time with Maleficent, whom he called Aunt despite fairy's protests. In deep, she didn't matter despite her usual scowl. He called her aunt and she called him brat.

With them, he was learning to respect differences because had contact with different creatures and new ways of living that he wanted to teach his people one day. He wanted to see people happy and comfortable as who lived in the forbidden lands.

"What I see there? A dragon hunter! Stop right now, your evildoer!" he yelled hitting a large rock with the sword.

"Stefan, don't climb this rock! It's dangerous!" Fairies shouted and the boy ran again, laughing and swinging the sword.

Did he was going to take too long to grow?

The years passed and the love between Aurora and Maleficent was still strong as ever. Even though ten years older, Aurora didn't show many signs of the time thanks to the gift of beauty that Flora had given her. Still, she knew time was passing, but didn't care because learned the death wasn't the end and one day they were going to meet again.

She and Maleficent had discussions from time to time, but the fairy had improved in many things despite not having changed her nature. At least live with her had become easier.

Aurora never wanted to have children and chose to focus on academics and also to his job of managing the castle and forbidden lands in the absence of Maleficent. Everyone saw her with the same fairy's authority and she was very respected.

Emma married a nobleman of the court, but she was still Aurora's best friends. For services rendered, including helping in times of difficulty, she had also won large sum of gold to live in luxury for life.

Baltazar married an intelligent and skillful young woman who helped him run the businesses. Together they grew and became rich. Sometimes he thought of Helga, but these moments didn't last long. It was just curiosity.

But of course not everyone was happy. Helga continued with her horrible appearance and working in pig farms, only place where she could live without being harassed. Her hard and unfeeling heart has ever been able to understand the true meaning of inner beauty, so the spell couldn't be broken.

FĂ©res also continued as an aberration and had been captured by the owner of a circus freak, being exhibited every day to people willing to pay to get shocked with the ugliest creature in the world. That was his punishment and he couldn't even resort to death because the curse was up to the end of times. That was going to take quite.

Felipe was deposed as king by a coup because his subjects saw how much he was unfit to rule. Bankrupt, without respect and authority, his only alternative was to kill himself by drinking a bottle of a powerful poison. That was the end of his life of failures.

The Aragon's kingdom was invaded and annexed to a neighboring kingdom who had achieved a strong and powerful army. He was beheaded and his reign came to an end.

In her quarters, Aurora was reading a book to rest of her work when small winged creatures appeared flying around. One landed on her shoulder.

"Oscar, little baby! How's the family?"

The dragon looked at his two cubs, feeling very proud. He had achieved a mate, a female of his species. She had a beautiful blue and white color that charmed him at the same time. Aurora called her Belle, while their cubs were Diablo and Lillith, names given by Maleficent. One was in honor of her crow that was turned to stone.

"Oh, they're so beautiful!" She said stroking gently the heads of two small dragons that had become used to her company. Belle still remained somewhat skittish, because she was wild and didn't know live with humans.

The visit did not last long, because Oscar had to take the cubs back to their mother. But she couldn't go back to reading because another person entered the bedroom.

"You don't want to swap me for this book, want?" Maleficent said seductively putting a hand inside her cleavage.

"Um... I don't know... Hey!" The fairy made the princess rise suddenly and pressed her lips against Aurora's.

The sound of fabric being torn told her the dress was lost forever. Sometimes, Maleficent had no patience to wait. Aurora didn't matter because had many dresses. And it was so wild and sensual!

"Why did my clothes always get destroyed?"

"Less words and more action. Kiss me!"

Aurora could not argue and she didn't want. She just handed herself to the love that existed between them. A perfect love even with all its imperfections.

The end.

It's the end of this long story. I thank everyone who followed my fanfic until the now and sorry for the bad english.

I hope you guys enjoyed it and please don't forget to comment. Comments are always welcome!