A/N not mine, I own nothing.

In writing this, I have found that this has been very therapeutic. I want to thank everyone for the support, and encouragement. Margaret, your messages helped a lot. I know that most likely there won't be a cure in my lifetime, but I have HOPE that one day there will be. I started writing this as a way to bring attention to this rare disease, I found some more support too. As I bring this story to a close, I am writing this part as a projection of Hope on my part. I Hope to be a long term survivor, as of right now I am only 18 months post diagnosis. I plan on being around for a long time. Please, if you haven't already check out thee PHA website. Thank You.


Slowly Suffocating

14 years later

Ranger's POV

Tonight we are celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary. The past 14 years with my Babe have been full of ups and down. We almost lost her a few times, but she pulled through. She is a fighter, a long term survivor. They had told us that she would be lucky to make it past 5 years, yet here we stand. She is no longer on Flolan, but on Viagra, along with a few other meds. She only uses oxygen when she needs it. I am so proud of her. I watched her laugh at something Marie said to her, as Bobby came up behind them. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Sadly, we did lose a few friends and family over the years. The hardest two on Babe, and myself were Grandma Mazur and Hector. We all took Hector's passing hard, but we know that he and his sister are watching over us every day. I walked over to her and held out my hand.

"Dance with me?" I asked her, as Be Brave by Chloe Temche was played. I picked this song as a surprise for her. This song is written and performed by a member of the PH family. I purchased it on iTunes, 50%of the sales were being given to PHA for research. Our lives are impacted every day from this disease, I wanted to have something special here to show her that I was so proud of how brave she is.

"I Love you" I whispered

"I Love you too."


I will be posting a collection of one shots for this story. The song Be Brave by Chloe Temche is a wonderful song that is just as I said in the epilog. You can also hear it on YouTube. In the past two weeks, we lost two children in the PH community, this is a devastating loss. They should have had their whole lives in front of them, but sadly PH knows no age. It can strike at birth, and any time after.

Maybes to HOPE

Maybe one day we will have a cure,

So that parents won't lose their children,

Children won't lose their parents,

Families won't lose their loved ones,

Husbands won't lose their wives,

Wives won't lose their husbands,

Partners won't lose their partners, and

Friends won't lose their friends.

The maybes become HOPE,

every time someone learns about PH, and

HOPE can become a cure.

I fight Pulmonary Hypertension everyday, because I have

