A/N: Alright Alright…. I know I'm late to the party, my apologies. This is like my fourth time writing this authors note, fucking ridiculous right? I'm just soo exhausted with work and school that I didn't really want to write anything or didn't know what to write but I decided to bring up the energy to write again, but not without some equipment. Took me a week and a lot of hard earn money to make a working/gaming setup. I say it looks really nice for a small setup, enjoy gaming in my room now that I have both PS3 and the PS4. Only reason why I got this setup is because the screen on my laptop is too small for me. Anywho I'm back to bring your need to read and hopefully I can at least post two or one chapter a week. Unfortunately I will not be posting a Team ELIC back story yet cause like I said I'm late, so don't worry you'll see that soon. So enough talk now read, review, comment, suggest ideas and Enjoy!

Question: What type/genre of music do you prefer to listen to? Or who's your favorite artist? (I enjoy most genre, but mostly old school rap and rock, Tupac and Foo Fighters are my favorite with alexisonfire coming in a second )

Chapter 20: Cinder

Lilly had finish telling her tale why being a hunter was a priority for her, Markus stared at her as the other two boys stared out the window.

"Soo... That's pretty much why I want to become a huntress." Lilly said.

"And when we met she made us call her by her last name only, for two months straight!" Cameron spoke.

"Hey shut up!"

"No you shut up!"

"Both of you shut it." Idris face palmed.

Markus rolled his eyes while chuckling.

"Well that's an interesting story, even I'm baffled about the disappearance of the Estella family." Markus said.

"How did you hear about them?" Lilly asked.

"History of the war was recorded by the Order, but I don't know why." Markus replied.

"Maybe for something important?" Idris said.

"Ha! The only time history is important is when class finish." Cameron snorted putting his hands behind his head.

"Well then why don't you tell us your history then Cameron?" Markus asked.


"Tell us why did you want to become a Hunter?"

"Well…. Uh…"

Just then a beeping noise interrupted the group as Markus pulls out his scroll; it was a message from Lax

'Urgent, give me a call when you're available.'

Markus knew something was wrong due to the message being so short, just then they have landed back on Beacon. Markus was the first one to get up from his sit, the others eyed his movement.

"Sorry Cameron maybe another day you can tell your story, right now something important has come up." Markus spoke.

Markus left his transportation while just sat there and watched him leave.

"Why does he always do that?" Cameron said.

"Do what?" Lilly responded.

"Always got something important to do it doesn't make any sense, we barely get to see our leader. I mean sure yeah we got to spend time together these past few weeks but it's very odd."

"The man got a second job you know, can't really blame him." Idris spoke.

"….. I guess you're right."

Meanwhile Markus move quickly to get to the transmit tower, he didn't even notice his pace until he got to the entrance. Students filled the lobby getting in his way as he entered the elevator, a females voiced spoke.

"Hello and welcome to the C.C.T, how may I help you." It spoke.

"Communication room please."

"Please place your scroll on the terminal to verify your identity."

Markus did so as his scroll was scanned.

"Thank you Mr. Brooks, I shall bring you up to the communication room right now.

The elevator went up bring Markus to hid destination, as the doors of the elevator open and Markus walked out being greeted by a hologram of a woman at the front desk.

"Welcome to the Beacon Cross Continental Transmit, how I may help you?" She asked.

"I need to make a call to the Order please." Markus said.

"The… Order sir?"


She starts to type down on her keyboard only to get a red X on her screen.

"I'm sorry sir but I do not have permission to access any communication to the Order. The woman said.

"Access code 560912."

"….. Alright sir, if head towards terminal 4 I can patch you through to the Order."

"Thank you."

Markus walks past the desk heading towards terminal 4, he walks past by students who sat down by a desk talking either to whoever was on the screen or simply was there to hangout. As he reach a desk at terminal 4 he sits on the stool as the screen turns on reveal Lax, his orange hair longer reaching down past his neck. He was a mess as he has bags under his eyes and his facial hair unshaven although it was just scruffy. Markus can only see Lax wearing a black long sleeved button shirt; before Lax spoke he brought a mug to his mouth taking a sip of whatever beverage was inside it.

"Markus hey, uhhh yeah… we have a problem." Lax said.

"What's up?" Markus replied.

"…It's Cinder… we have her."

"That's great! Now we can interroga… Wait…. What's the problem, we have her."



"….She's dead."

Markus froze staring at the Lax through the screen, his mind clouded as he couldn't think.

"I'll be there soon." Markus sighed as the screen turned off.

As time pass he makes it back to the changing room he quickly change out off his combat cloths into something more relaxing, changing into a beige shirt and black jeans and running shoes. He puts on a black long wool peacoat and headed out of the school rushing to a leaving dustplane, in the air Markus stares through the window watching as they pass some clouds. Finally landing Markus exits the dustplane, stepping onto the ground of the city with the sounds of chatter and laughter filling Markus's ear as he leaves the port. Cinder was a devious one fooling anyone who was loyal to her, in the end only meeting pain from her. However she was never like that for she was a gently and caring person, but even the strongest have their breaking point. Markus remembered that day as the memory is burning into his head, which was also the day Abigail woke up from her coma.

Markus stopped walking only to look up, as her name appeared his mind he realize how much he wants to see her. School was frustrating enough and with him working with the Order again there was barely anytime for him to take time off to go see her.

"Maybe I should take her out on a date, roam around the city. Maybe shop, or even Dinner?" Markus thought.

Not noticing he reached the headquarters, he took a look at it. The wall fixed, there no craters, no holes. Everything was fixed; Markus was surprise how fast construction finished. He caught the color pink at the corner of his left eye as Samantha had walked up beside him wearing a dark red business suit.

"Hello there Ebony." She greeted him with a smile.

"Hello." He replied.

"If you follow me I shall take you to Director Magnar's office."

"Thank you."

As they walk towards the giant gate Samantha scans her pass making the gates open, entering the building and elevator Markus took notice on how empty the headquarters is.

"Nobody's working today?" Markus asked as the doors of the elevator closed levitating them up to their desired floor.

"Unfortunately no, three hundred and fourthy seven funerals take a while, plus workers here are still grieving after the attack." Samantha said.

"Hmmm… Are you new?"

"Excuse me...?"

"It's just I never seen you here until I left so I just thought you're new here."

"Oh, yes I'm new here. I've been working for the Order for three months."

"Not bad."

"… Can I ask you a question?"


"Are you coming back?"

"What do you mean?" Markus asked shifting his gaze at her.

"Well after the attack and seeing how powerful you are to fight against the Red Juggernaut, we need more strong people like you. Samantha said looking down.

Markus turns his head the other direction.

"…. Maybe."

The elevator stop with a ding breaking the silence and the door opening, both of them walks down the hallway with Samantha leading the direction. They enter a lounge room with both Lax and Nigel's team sitting waiting for their leaders, eyes widen when they saw Markus. Samantha continued to lead Markus until they ended up in front of a door, opening the door Samantha allows Markus to walk in. inside the room was a long white table with Lax and Nigel sitting opposite from each other, Nigel had his mask on while wearing a forest green coat. Magnar stood with by a TV at the end of the room in his white general uniform with three files in his hand.

"Markus, good to see you." Magnar said.

"Same here." Markus took a seat next to Nigel who gave him a fistbump.

"So… what do we got?"

The three look at each other before giving Markus a concern look.

"Are you sure you want to do this Markus?" Magnar asked.

"How bad is it?"

"Worse than anyone of us have thought."

Magnar hesitated before placing the folder the desk sliding them the three hunters, the three picks it up and opens the folder.

Markus flinches and drops the folder back onto the table, leaning back on his chair he rubs his face and sighs. He took a moment before returning to the folder, inside were some pictures of a young woman with ultra blue hair. Bruise and blood stains cover her body from head to toe, fingers were broken as well as some of her teeth. She had some gashes going down from her neck to her stomach, Markus notice some bite marks on the woman's body, human bite marks. That wasn't the weird part; the weird part was the large burn marks on her body. The four sigh before Magnar decided to continue.

"Alright… let's get started." Magnar spoke open the TV with the remote revealing a mug shot of the woman.

Her hair was tied in a pony tail with her blood color eyes open widely with evil grin on her face.

"Cinder Applebottom was a Member of the Order for eight years, after her fiancé Luke Francis died. Afterwards she fell into depression then anger and blamed the Order for her fiancé's death. When she left she had met two criminals, the White Conjurer and the Red Juggernaut. For some reason they became loyal to her as her sanity had become much worse. Setting off bombs in the throughout the four kingdoms, pulling off heist. She's was a skilled hunter with her weapons being two large gauntlets with capsules in them allowing her to use a variety of dust for her attacks, obliviously you all know we've been trying to capture her for a while. Unfortunately two days ago her body was found in alleyway in the city, I requested her body to be brought back here. The lab downstairs had examined her body, human bite marks, third degree burns, and semen all over body…"

"Wait… Semen?" Lax questions Director Magnar.

"Yes….She was raped before she was murdered."

The three hunters look at each other before returning their eyes to Magnar.

"Okay wait let's… Back track a little bit, before I fought against the White Conjuror he was working with another criminal Roman Torchwick and the White Fang. Fast forward later the Red Juggernaut and the White Fang attack the Order, So where were they when Cinder was murdered?" Markus said.

"That's why I need you three to investigate, when enforcement found her body inside her pocket was a VIP card for a club that was close by, I'll send you the location." Magnar said as the three young men rose for their sit to leave the room.

As they left the room and enter the lounge, Lax and Nigel told their team to take the day and three hunters left the building. As the gate closes behind them Lax ran toward and red orange color muscle car, the car itself seems heavy as the car's body was wide. Unable to see anything from the bottom of the car due to the skirts installed onto it, it had a mid level spoiler on the truck with all the windows were tinted black. Nothing about this car look like it could be easy to handle, it was bulky, wide and had a very bright color.

"C'mon loseers! We're going hunting!" Lax yelled causing Markus and Nigel to look at each other before entering the car.

Time past by as Lax drove to their destination after receiving the location of the bar from Magnar from his scroll, Markus sat in the back while Nigel in the passenger seat. Lax played some heavy rock music while him and Nigel bobs their head, Markus however stared out the window watching every building they passed by. Slowly nodding off Markus fell asleep; he started dreaming as his five senses started to pick up some things. The wonderful aroma of lavender, the taste of her luscious lips that was press against his, her long white dress, her long straight silver hair with pink highlights, her sweet voice that called out his name.




"Hey Markus! We're here."

Lax reached behind his seat to gently shake Markus as the knight easily woke up; he took a deep breath before blinking twice.

"Sorry, feel asleep." Markus said.

"Yeah we know must have had a good dream too." Lax replied.


"You kept saying Abigail."


"C'mon let's go… And hey… Go see her will ya." Lax said before opening his door

The three exit the vehicle entering a dark area behind a parking lot, and there were the doors to the club. Seeing as it was day time they didn't expect it to be open, but hearing some yelling from inside the club they enter it. Inside were some goons fixing the place while getting yelled at none other than Hei Xiong, or also known as Junior to the rest of the world. Junior notices the three hunters who enter and quickly turned to his henchmen.

"Idiots! Didn't I tell you to keep the doors lock until tonight?!" Junior yelled.

Junior sighs and walks to the bar with Markus, Nigel and Lax heading there as well. The three took a seat as Junior hold up a glass.

"Can I help you guys to a drink?" He asked.

"Just water please." Markus replied with Junior nodding and bringing two more cups and placing them on the counter. Filling them with water he passes them to the three.

"Soooo what brings you gentlemen here this early? Club doesn't open till later tonight." Junior said.

"We ain't here to party." Lax spoke.

"Then why are you here for?"

"You know why."

"I-I swear I had nothing to do with that!" Junior stuttered making Lax raise his eyebrow.


"Uhhhhh…" Junior cleared his throat why trying to fix his tie.

"Relax, we're not for whatever problem you have. We just need some information." Markus said.

"Information?" Just then Nigel pulled out a picture of Cinder from his and showed it to Junior, Junior got closer to the picture squinting at it before setting his back straight and rubbing his chin.

"Have you seen her?" Lax asked.

"Hmmmm yeah yeah I did, it was a couple a days ago. It was late too, 1 o'clock. She came in with a sad and worry expression on her face, all she did drank right here at the bar. Didn't really stop either, kept saying how the boss was going to be pissed at her for messing up a job. That's when some guy in a white suit and brown hair tried to comfort her, then she started crying and he brought her outside. After that I haven't seen them come back in, but that guy in the suit…"

"What about him?" Markus asked.

"I don't know if he was her partner or something, but he had a blank face. Didn't smile, didn't show no concern. But I reminded him that the girl forgot to pay, he… he gave me this look, those eye… those were filled with anger." Junior finished shaking a little.

The three looks at each other, Lax jugged down his water before they left the club. Back inside the car the three were going through all information they received, Lax was driving through the city trying to make it back to the Order.

"Ok so we know that Cinder was at the club and so was the Conjuror, from the info we got doesn't sound like the Conjuror had anything to do with Cinders murder." Lax said.

"Right but the real question is what did she do that had her worry, and who was she working for?" Markus spoke.

"Whoever it was, ordered her murder. Whoever it was wanted her dead badly, just by looking at the injuries Cinder had got she must have been working with one hell of a bitch."



Markus couldn't finish his sentence as the car was hit by blast from the back of the car, Markus turned around to see an armored truck painted silver right behind them. A figure was holding a rifle shooting energy blasts at them.


"Those bastards are lucky that this car is can take hits, hold on I'll try to lose them!"

Lax push on the gas pedal hard as the engine of his car roars and started to move faster, moving from to right to dodge any car in their way Lax was having no issues causing no damage. The armored truck on the other hand bash through every car it met, and also was catching up to the three hunters. Lax turns his wheel right quickly causing the car to drift allowing them to enter another street with the armored truck easily doing the same; civilians gasp and quickly ran away from the chase as the two vehicles zoomed down the street. Lax couldn't focus on trying to dodge cars and blast at the same time, as each blast cause his car to jerk forward. Multiple blast continue to hit the car which cause Lax to become angry.

"Markus see if you can do anything about them." Lax yelled.


Markus rolled down his window and grabs onto the roof, pushing his feet out he flips onto the roof of the car. A red blast was sent straight towards at Markus as he protected himself with an electrical shield, he then form the shield into a spear and threw it at the armored truck. As the spear hit the truck a blast of electricity surround the vehicle as it shut and slow down. Lax celebrated at Markus move and look at Nigel, his celebration was cut short as he notices Nigel wasn't looking at him and eyes became wide. Lax turns his head the other way to see another Heavy armored truck heading towards them, with full speed the truck bashes into the car. Markus was flown back crashing into a café that was at the corner of the street, the fire orange car flip down the street stopping with the car landing upside down. The armored truck stop with men jumping out of the vehicle with rifles in their hands, they had lack boots with a white vest covering the front of their black hoodies. Their White Fang mask shining bright due to the sun; they cock their weapons and headed towards the car.

"Let's get them boys!"

End of Chapter 20

A/N: And there you have it, Chapter 20! Well I'm back and sorry if some parts were a little dark but I bet you didn't see that Cinder part coming huh? Honestly I didn't see that coming when Cinder entered Beacon but then I remembered that I had written that a Cinder was controlling the Red Juggernaut and the White Conjuror, so I had to come up with something so here you go. Also I believe I forgot to write this in the fanfic that Abigail has pink highlights streaks going down her hair and that Idris has tan skin like sun but a bit darker. Too bad I really wanted to write at least five chapters before I get into the volume two story arc but things happen so ah well, at least I'm bringing you need to read. So if you guys can leave a review or comment and I shall see you awesome people later! Peace!