Buttercup and Brick stopped midway through the crowd, seeing a fence surrounding the center source of the cheering, where they saw a boy with spiky black hair in a green sweatshirt that had random black stripes on parts of it. He was fighting against a muscular opponent. Buttercup could easy recognize the green ruff as Butch. For some reason he looked scratched and bruised. The area he was fighting in had random objects scattered, either meant as weapons or tools to maim someone with. "What is this…?!" Brick silently growled. He knew this was a possibility of what Butch would do as a job, but he wished he had been wrong. Either way, the red ruff was more than ready to break in there just to get a loud roar seared in his sibling's ear. "We can't go causing trouble over this. He'll be fine," the Powerpuff tried to reassure him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He just did his best to stay calm. That look in his eye, though. His red eyes glimmered in a weirdly specific rage like when the powered groups would fight each other.

Butch wound up getting kicked and thrown around like he didn't even try to fight back beyond a few weak punches to his enemy's hand, though at one point he got picked up by his coat and thrown onto a table that had been near the edge of the makeshift arena. His adjusted to the attacker just in time to see that he had gotten ahold of an iron rod, looking ready to beat Butch with it just for the entertainment of the crowd. Buttercup got an idea. She closed one eye to try and focus her heat vision, and she fired it, burning the side of the brute. "OW! What the heck?!" the young ruff looked over to where he seen it come from. His eyes widened, recognizing Brick and the Powerpuff girl. He wanted out of this cage immediately. He quickly kicked his enemy in the stomach, making him drop the weapon before he could really react. Butch had already decided to end it.

The green Rowdyruff had slammed a fist as hard as he could into his leg. The last thing that was heard was a loud cry of agony as the man's leg shattered from the impact, the whole brute collapsing to the ground. The fight was over. The crowd was in a mix of cheering and booing. The battered ruff exited the cage, having won his fight, finding only his brother and the unexpected associate alongside him. "What're you doing here, Brick? And why is she here?" Butch asked, clearly having taken his current anger out on the recently crippled enemy. The crowd was beginning to grow angry, since the fight had appeared very rigged. "We'll talk at home! Come on!" Brick ordered, darting off to the sky with Buttercup and Butch, leaving one dark red, and two green streaks of light behind, wanting to escape the practical riot that was about to explode everywhere in the fight ring.

While flying to the apartment, Buttercup was questioning why she was still following them. She helped find Brick's sibling, and kept him safe, and she was aware the orange haired friend was grateful. The only thing she could think of behind why was because she was interested in how they were going to react, wanting to be there if something went horribly wrong. So far, it just was a quiet flight which then felt unsettling. The unrelenting hostility between brothers was obvious at least. She saw the apartment complex come into view, looking like an eerily abandoned building just left in the ruin of the night, even if it still had multiple people living in it. The group landed. Butch didn't even say anything more before heading inside the home.

Brick let out an exhausted sigh. "Thanks a lot for the help, Buttercup. Looks like I owe you… again," he exclaimed, glad any time he required help or support, she had been there so far. Anyhow, Buttercup couldn't tell if he was happy they had found his brother or not. He was just as lost in his own thoughts as she had lately. "It was nothing… What are you going to do now?" she asked, doubting the two ruffs would forget about tonight so easily. He just adjusted the hat on his head a little to try and come up with an answer. "One of the three things. Either I get an explanation from him, or I get beat up, or he gets beat up," he laid it out, simple as that. If there were no words, there would be fists, though he expected plenty of fists either way. They heard the door creak open again, and they both saw Boomer standing there, still wearing his glasses for some reason, almost like that disguise he wore in the daytime had clung to him.

"What is it now, Boomer?" Brick just demanded. Buttercup was about ready to leave the brothers to the long night of conversation, but what the blue brother said caught her attention more. "We got a letter from dad!" he announced cheerfully, holding the unopened envelope, sounding happier than he ever had in a long time. Apparently Mojo Jojo had sent multiple letters to his sons beyond the one Brick vaporized. "…hand it here," the red ruff commanded, holding his hand out. Buttercup could tell he had intentions to rip the letter open and to shreds. "Isn't it a good thing, Brick?" the blonde boy responded. Buttercup doubted he would find much mercy within his creator, but he had an underlying linger of anger in his voice, that same fiery rage appearing in his eyes again. "I'll see you tomorrow, Brick…" she decided now was the time to leave. She darted off to the sky, leaving a green trail of light behind, thinking checking up on him after school tomorrow would be for the best.

Brick watched his Powerpuff friend leave. He let out a frustrated huff. "No. It isn't good at all, Boomer. Whatever dad wants is probably just trouble," Brick tried to explain while he got angrier more and more by the second. "But what if he wants to apologize? If he does, we can just go back home…" Boomer continued while the two entered the apartment's living room. Butch could be seen lying on the couch, using one of the arm rests as a pillow, still sore from the cage match.

"Can we read it then? Come on. I know it'd make Butch happier!" Boomer continued his point, having already told his black haired sibling of the news. He didn't seem any happier from this though. Brick presumed it was the same reason he wasn't happy over the letter. "I already can tell you what will be on the letter. An apology from him that has fake tear stains on it like he poured his emotions into it! I should know because he's done it for the last forty letters he's sent us!" Brick finally snapped, smacking the letter from his brother's hand. It fell to the floor, Brick panting in anger. "I'm trying to protect you both! You need to accept the fact that dad doesn't even care about us, and that idiot over there needs to try and grow up, instead of letting others beat him up as some kind of stupid punishment!" Brick shouted an insult that hadn't been heard in a long time between the siblings. The word idiot set off some kind of old feeling in the siblings.

"Hey! Who're you calling an idiot?!" Butch rose up in anger. Even if he was sore, he didn't mind the thought of a retort being nothing more than a quick right hook to his orange haired brother's jaw. Boomer was looking at the shredded letter, upset. "Do I need to repeat it again?!" the ruff leader got face to face with his brother, both glaring menacingly at each other. Boomer knew where this was going to end up. "You are an idiot," Brick repeated. And that tore it. Butch lay a big punched in the face, knocking him into his blonde brother. Before they all knew it, the triplets were in a fight, furniture being knocked over and even flying about, and random swears being thrown around along with creaking and crashing noises.