Chapter 1: Punishment.

Unknown POV


I stared up at the ceiling as I laid in the ice cold water that filled the metal tub. I could feel my clothes clinging to my body as the water gently moved back and forth. Tears fell from my eyes even though my face remained expressionless, and I sighed quietly to myself.

A door opened, filling the room with light, "D.E. number six hundred sixty-six, it's time for your daily test," said one of the doctors.

I continued to look up at the ceiling as the man made his way to the right side of the tub, "I was told that I was free of taking any tests today," I said monotonously.

"The lady requested that we give you another test today since your progress has been going so well," he said authoritatively.

I looked over at him and narrowed my eyes, "Well, you can tell her that I'm not taking any damned test today."

He sighed, "You know you must do as the lady says if you don't want to be punished."

"What's she going to do? Scold me," I questioned sarcastically.

The doctor walked away and paused in the middle of the doorway, "Are you going to come or not?"

"Or not," I answered, looking back up at the ceiling.

He sighed heavily, "Very well then." He stepped forward to catch a nurse's attention, "Nurse, tell the lady D.E. number six hundred sixty-six is refusing to do today's tests."

"Yes, sir," the nurse replied, quickly walking away.

The doctor turned to face the back of my head, "You should have just listened, you know."

Not even a minute later, ten other doctors came running into my room. They all struggled getting a grip on me, before pulling me out of the tub and dragging me out of the room.

"Let go of me," I shouted, trying to break out of their grasp.

One of them pulled out a needle and injected something into my arm, causing me to feel tired. After that, they laid me down on a metal table and fastened the metal cuffs around both of my wrists and my ankles.

I stared at the wall as tears freely streamed down the sides of my face.

The evil woman who was in charge of all of this walked into the room and stared at me with her disgusting eyes, "D.E. six hundred sixty-six."

I shifted my gaze in her direction as she came closer to me, "What the hell do you want!?"

She smiled wickedly and stroked my cheek, "Ladies shouldn't use such language."

I jerked my head in the opposite direction, "Just get my damn punishment over with."

She chuckled, "As you wish, my dear."

I closed my eyes tightly as I heard the sound of her pulling out tools.

"Look this way," she said.

I hesitantly did as she said and noticed that the only thing in her hand was forceps.

"Just what exactly is this punishment," I asked as I narrowed my eyes at the woman.

She put her finger up to her lips, "Now, this will only hurt a little." With that said, she held open my left eye and brought the forceps closer to my face.

In that moment, I could feel my eye being pulled right out of my head, and I screamed as loudly as I could.

"Hold still," she said with fake sweetness, as she began putting something in the empty socket. Once it was finally in, I heard her mumble some sort of spell, and I could see out of my left eye again.

Tears poured out of my eyes as I glared harshly at the woman, "What the hell did you do!?"

She smirked and held out a mirror in front of her, "Why don't you see for yourself?"

I looked in the mirror and saw that my left eye was now violet. I furrowed my brows as I looked back at the woman, "Why is my eye purple!?"

"Because, dear," she said, "It's an angel's eye."

"You replaced my eye with an angel's eye," I questioned.

She nodded with a huge smile plastered to her face, "That's part of your punishment." She put the mirror back on the table beside her and looked back down at me, "Now," she said sternly, "Refuse orders again, and I'll replace your right eye with a demon's."

All I could do was watch as she left the room and the doctors came in.

Part of my punishment? As in, there's more?

The doctor who was in charge stood beside the table I was bound to, "While she's strapped up like this, I say we go ahead and give her the daily shots."

The other doctors nodded and went to get supplies.

The daily shots consisted of angel blood and demon blood. They would inject both types into my veins and watch as it took its effect.

The other doctors came back into the room and placed the supplies on the table beside the door. The doctor who was in charge then nodded and all of the other doctors left the room once again.

The doctor walked back over to me and brought the needle in his hand closer to me, "We'll do the demon's blood first this time," he said as he pierced the vein in my left arm.

I closed my eyes tightly as the blood began the mend with my own, causing a burning sensation to course through my veins.

He then walked to the other side and injected the angel's blood in my right arm, which sent an icy sensation through my veins.

When the two types of blood would mix together, that's when it would take its effect on me. Yesterday's dose caused my hair to turn blue, so there's no telling what would happen today.

After the doctor pulled the needle out of my right arm, he quickly placed it on the table and pulled out a piece of paper, to write down today's progress.

I looked over at him and narrowed my eyes, "Why did it seem like you injected more of the two bloods than usual?"

He grinned slightly as he continued staring at me, "Because I did. The lady asked that I increase the amount of blood in your daily injections." About a minute later, he sighed and stood up, "I guess there's nothing to document today." He sat down the quill and the paper, and unfastened the cuffs around my wrists and ankles.

I slowly sat up and swung my legs to the side of the table, before jumping off and looking up at the doctor.

He grabbed me by my arm and started leading me out of the room.

I furrowed my brows, "Where the hell are you taking me!?"

He didn't bother looking down at me, and just continued walking, "To the white room."

My eyes widened, "Why?"

"Because the lady told me to," he said, "She said to keep you there until your punishment is over."

"And when exactly will it be over," I asked.

He shrugged, "That's up to the lady."

My body stiffened when we finally made it to the white room.

There was a large assortment of weapons aligned against each of the walls inside the room, and there was a metal chair in the center of the room.

There were two guards in the room, and they both grabbed one of my arms and held me down in the chair, as the doctor fastened the cuffs around my wrists and ankles.

I didn't try to break free from them, because I knew that would just get me put into the room for longer amount of time.

Once the cuffs were fastened, the doctor wrapped a chain around me, to ensure that I couldn't escape. After that was done, he left the room along with one of the guards.

The remaining guard smirked as he shut the door. He walked up to me and stroked my cheek, "What did you do this time, love?"

I jerked my head in the opposite direction, "None of your damn business."

He furrowed his brows and grabbed a fistful of my hair, causing me to look up at him, "That wasn't very nice, love. I suppose I should teach you some manners." He released my hair and walked over to the left side of the room, looking at the weapons.

I watched him carefully as he grabbed some type of metal stick off of the wall and walked towards the fire.

"This will do nicely," he said as he held it out, causing the end of it to go in the fire. He grinned devilishly, then removed the tip from the fire, and started walking back over to me.

I closed my eyes tightly as I felt his cold fingers graze my leg.

He ripped the bottom of my dress, so that my thigh was showing, and then he brought the metal rod closer to me, until finally, I felt a burning sensation stinging my leg.

I screamed loudly and tried to get out of the cuffs, but my attempts failed.

The man laughed bitterly and removed the rod from my leg. "I don't think you've learned your lesson yet," he said, dropping the rod and walking back over to the wall.

Hot tears rolled down my face and my breathing quickened, "Rot in hell," I said quietly.

The man turned around to face me and rose a brow, "What was that?"

"Rot in hell," I repeated.

He smirked and pulled a whip off of the wall, "That's what I thought you said." With that said, he walked back over to me and swung the whip.

I flinched when it made contact with my skin, and let out a little yelp.

He continued to hit me with the whip, until blood started to trickle down my arms. He knocked one of the weapons off the wall and cursed. He threw the whip down and grabbed his bottle of rum, and began drinking it.

I looked up at him expressionlessly, "Worthless bastard."

He scowled and broke the bottle of rum over my head, the impact causing my body to jerk to the right, making the chair fall to the ground.

My head hit something on the ground hard, and I could feel the rum soaking the floor around me. My vision started the get blurry, and just before everything faded to black, I could have sworn I saw the lady walk into the room and slap the guard across the face.

-End of Flashback-