Oh my god… I can't believe I'm writing the very last chapter of this story. Uh… Yeah, this feels kind of weird. But, hey, in no time I'll be writing another one, so, yeah :D haha

Anyways, just wanted to tell you the usual, guys: Thanks for all your lovely follows, favs and reviews! They always make my day :)

And… Well, I hope from all my heart that you all enjoy the very last chapter of…

The Blood Letter

Chapter XXX: They were theirs.




Harry had just stepped into the dining room, and firstly, no one really seemed to notice his presence. All Death Eaters surrounded the large table; Narcissa, Lucius and Draco's seats were empty.

Nagini, Tom Riddle's pet snake, was the only one that had seen him. Giving him a filthy, reptilian look, the animal crawled along the ground until it reached the pale hand of its owner.

Dreadfully slow, Lord Voldemort turned around and saw Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived: His body was all tensed up; all his muscles seemed to be rigid. He held his wand tightly in his hand, and his frown never left his face. His verdant eyes strayed fury, reflected in the angry shine of his irises. He showed his lower teeth, menacingly, challenging him. – Tom stood up from his seat elegantly, a rather surprised expression drawn on his face.

"Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived," His voice was stern, "has finally come to die."

"No, Tom." Harry replied. Voldemort's eyes slightly squinted, "I have come to put an end to your dark era, I have come to put an end to your life."

Voldemort laughed. All his followers did the same. Boringly, he took his wand and pointed at him, as his eyes provoked him to mimic his actions. And so Harry did. His arm started to hoist, and so the tip of his wand pointed at Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"Do you know how it feels, Tom, to know that all you've ever lived has been a lie?" Harry asked him, defiantly, "To know that a part of your soul has been inside me all along these years, completely free to destroy my life. – All the danger you've put me through, the people I love."

"Stop this sentimental non-sense, Potter." Voldemort hissed, ready to cast the killing curse.

"And that's why I pity you, Tom." He merely stated, "You call 'Love' sentimental non-sense. You call 'Love' unnecessary. Well, let me tell you, Riddle: Seventeen years ago, on the night you went to Godric's Hollow to kill my parents and me, my mother decided to protect me with a very strong spell, even if that meant giving up on her very own life. She did that due her love to me. Her love, Tom. Love."

Voldemort's eyes were locked in Harry's, as his almost non-existent lips formed a thin line.

"The living proof of love being the most powerful thing in the entire world is myself." Harry stated, "You were not able to kill me seventeen years ago, Riddle, and you will not be able to kill me now. Because… Because you are a selfish bastard, and I am a generous, loving man."


"You will fail, Tom Riddle."

"I SAID ENOUGH!" Tom Riddle yelled, somewhat overwhelmed by Potter's words, "Avada Kedavra!"


Red and green collided, causing the ground to shake vehemently. – It was a powerful binding, and even though Harry was quite confident about himself, he didn't dare underestimate Riddle. Yes, his power had diminished considerably since last time, considering that two out of seven Horcruxes had been destroyed, –His diary and himself – but less power didn't directly mean victory.

After fifteen seconds having their wands connected, Tom Riddle felt like he was being stabbed through his stomach with a sharp knife.




Horace Slughorn had just been told he was free. Even though it was hard to believe, he finally, truly was. Free of being forced to stay at Hogwarts due to his profession. – The castle reminded him of so many mistakes he had made in his life. Without even realizing, he had created the most powerful monster ever known in magical History: Lord Voldemort. – And now, finally, he was free to forget. He was free to go.

He stood up from the floor, as he patted his robes, clearing all dust off them. He looked over to Draco and Hermione, and he realized: Draco wasn't a black hole; he merely was a slimy snake afraid of many things. He was a weaker guy than she was. – She was a brave lioness. And now, seeing how strong and self-confident he looked having her beside him, Slughorn could be entirely sure: Hermione Granger was his strength.

Not wanting to interrupt their moment, Slughorn apparated himself away. For the last time of his life, he headed to Hogwarts, only to go to his office and pack up some of his stuff. Once he arrived, a bowl on his table caught his full attention. Curious, his steps led him towards that desk.

There were just a few inches water in it. Floating on the surface was a flower petal. As you watched it sank, just before it reached the bottom, it was transformed; transformed into a wee fish.

It was Francis.

Horace's smile was so incredibly bright; all happiness was reflected in his curved lips. He thought of Harry Potter's words: Be brave, professor. – He had been. And that made him feel an enormous satisfaction. He was proud of himself. He could be.

He took the bowl in his hands, and lifting it up in a motion of laughter and cheer, Horace Slughorn decided not to pack anything. He would start a new life. A new life with his wee fish Francis, as a reminder of his bravery.

After all, he could do what he wanted. He was free at last.




The green-reddish connection stopped at once, and so, his wand flew away. Lord Voldemort was screaming out in pain, as he held his stomach firmly with one hand. The other one was shaking violently from the spasms rushing through his entire body. It hurt. It hurt badly. It felt like a splash of icy water on his back, stabbing right through him like swords. It felt like his extremities had been set on burning fire. It felt like someone was hammering his knees, thus obliging him to kneel down in front of his archenemy.

His head fell onto his nape, and so Tom Riddle was facing the roof. His mouth was open, and his tongue was sticking out. He coughed; he was choking on his own saliva.

It had been only one scream that had lasted for approximately twenty seconds. And now everything Harry could hear was his last breath, as Lord Voldemort's body started to disintegrate.

All Death Eaters started to apparate away, rather quickly, frantically, for fear Harry could hurt or even kill them all. As for Nagini, she disintegrated all along with Voldemort.

Silence filled the room.

He was gone. And all was well.


Herpo the Foul

Tom Marvolo Riddle

Draco Lucius Malfoy

Draco Malfoy was breathing heavily. He didn't quite know how to feel. He had done it. He had murdered him. He had revenged his mother… and his father. – He had won.

With her. With his Hermione. – After all, it had been her muddy blood that had saved the world. Turning his head to his right to see her, he shot her a look. His eyes reflected relief, but also a greyish tone of apology. – He wanted to apologize. For everything he'd done.

Yes, everything. He had been a complete heartless monster disregarding her life and her friends. He had killed Ronald Weasley just because he wanted to get him out of his way. He had killed Harry Potter –Who obviously just had to come back from the dead– because Draco had suffered Voldemort's wrath multiple times. He had blamed him for that, but of course, he had cursed him because he had been incredibly jealous: Hermione had always shared his kindness with him. She had surely shared most diverse moments with him. She surely had cried on his shoulder, while he had patted her back. He surely had yelled at her whenever he had been confused or hurt, and she had listened. – They had been friends from the very beginning, and Draco had felt so ignored. So… pushed aside. So annotated in the margin.

"Hermione, I… I…" He was speechless. Draco just didn't know where to begin. "The reason it's you– The Blood Letter– "

And then, Draco Malfoy fell onto the ground in front of her, crying. He cried out because of many things: He mourned his parents, as he, in between his panting, admitted he missed them. He cried out of relief, too, as he knew their deaths had now been avenged. – Draco shed tears in front of her because he was tired of being a heartless monster. He was tired of prejudices. – He cried because he wanted to make it all up to her. All those wasted years calling her names. He… He wanted… He wished for a miracle.

"Draco," He heard her call his name, "Hush. I know."

With those words, Hermione took one of his hands and placed it on her heart, as she placed one of hers on his. Both hearts were beating.

"What you feel, I feel." She quoted him, "What I feel, you feel."

He felt her loving him.

"I love you." He said, completely lost in her eyes.

Hermione's breath was taken away by those words. She shed a single crystal tear, for she knew he meant it.

She felt him loving her.

A broken smile on her face, her eyebrows drawing a desperate frown, Hermione shook her head lightly and threw herself at Draco as she kissed him desperately, passionately.

"I love you too." She confessed in a whisper as the kiss found its end.

Internally, both of them wished they were just living a dream. They wished some things had never happened: Hermione wanted to forget her parents couldn't remember her. Draco wanted to forget his parents had been killed. – Hermione wanted to forget Ron had been killed. Draco wanted to forget it had been him. – Draco wanted to forget Hermione had loved Ron. Hermione wanted to remember she could only love Draco.

Suddenly, Draco tucked a hand in his pocket and took his Blood Letter in his hands. Her name was written on it: Hermione.

"What magic has done, no man can undo. And with this letter, my heart belongs to you."

Draco recited the Prophecy, his grey eyes never leaving hers. Carefully, he let the Blood Letter levitate and cast an Incendio on it. Slowly, Draco's Blood Letter started to burn, and so transforming into greyish ashes.

He was hers.

Hermione mimicked him. She took her Blood Letter, his name carefully written on it: Draco.

"What magic has done, no man can undo. And with this letter, my heart belongs to you."

Hermione's Blood Letter started to burn as well, its greyish ashes falling on Draco's Blood Letter ones.

She was his.

Draco, who had kept Hermione's wand for so long, gave Hermione her wand back. Deeply looking into her eyes, Draco expressed his need for them to start a new life together. Only a mercury look had been enough. No words had been needed. – Hermione understood.

He stood up, offered her his hand and helped her up. Taking his hand, she looked at him. Both looked at each other and apparated themselves away.


Anyone heard of them anymore. No one knew where they were. No one knew what they did. Everybody knew she was the Smartest Witch of Her Age. Everybody knew he was The Boy Who Made All The Wrong Choices. Everybody knew she was a Muggleborn. Everybody knew he was a Pureblood. Everybody knew she was a Gryffindor. And everybody knew he was a Slytherin.

But no one knew they loved each other. It was only them, Draco and Hermione. And it was enough. Because…

They were theirs.

The End.


Oh… my God. I… I don't have any words. It´s done. It's finished. I just wanted to tell you guys that you've been AMAZING readers, and that I have no words at all to describe my gratitude. Everything I can truly say is THANK YOU SO MUCH. It's been 30 intense chapters, and you've kept me going. You've kept up my motivation on writing, and that means literally A LOT to me. So, thank you. Thanks, guys. Truly.

So… Yes, I know. This has been a rather short chapter, but I got the feeling to do so, so I didn't really push it into way too much fluffiness. Still, I hope you enjoyed your reading and I hope you've liked this chapter!

Favs, follows and reviews are very much appreciated!


Yours truly,
