Hello! It's been a long time since I've updated, mainly because I was studying for an exam, and also because now, I have two more OTPs! Real ones at that. And one pairing is from my school, so I stalk them... Everyday. This chap is an AU, in which KZ doesn't know Yuki.

Prompt: Cockblock

Listening to: Paranoid Doll by GACKT

A brunette named Yuki Cross is lying down her bed, her eyes glued to her cellphone screen. Then, the cellphone vibrated. Yuki flipped open her phone and started to text her best friend, Sayori Wakaba.


Sayori: Uh... Hey. Anyways, today I saw Kaname-senpai and Kiryu-kun chatting together at the canteen. Kiryu-kun was drinking pearl tea (1), while Kaname-senpai was drinking Earl Gray Tea.

Yuki: OOOOOOH. Interesting. Anymore?

Sayori: Yeap. When they were talking, Ruka-senpai suddenly came to them and dragged Kaname-senpai away. Then, Ichiru-kun came in and dragged Zero. Lol.

Yuki: (oAo) Oh. Drama?! I could write a fanfic about this. MEEP.

Sayori: In which Ruka was in love with Kaname, and Kaname in love with Zero, The latter in love with Ichiru, And Ichiru in love with Ruka?

Yuki: Woaah. Easy on the '?' dude? I think you're hurting yourself by pressing on it lol.

Sayori: ... Goodnight. You just ruined my night.

Yuki: Hahahaha, Sorry, Yori-chan. I was joking.

Yuki: Yori-chan?

Yuki: Come on Yori-chan, I'm sorry!

Yuki:... Hello? Are you there?

THE Day after...

Yuki grinned as she saw the KaZe pair walk side by side, Kaname's arm on Zero's shoulder. ' Stalking~!' Yuki mused as she hid behind a tree, successfully making the perfect disguise. All of a sudden, when Kaname's lips were almost touching Zero's, two cockblockers came.



Yuki groaned, walking away from them towards her class.' What a way to ruin my day.. It's okay, I could stalk them again after 3 hours, 15 minutes and 34 seconds..'

... I'm pretty sure I;m on crack. Yeaaaapp. (1) Because the uke in the pair that I'm stalking apparently, likes thies. SO, I JUST HAVE TO PUT IT IN THIS. MUAAHAHAHAHA. OH GOD I THINK IM CRAZY NOW.

Anyway, Review if you could. Just- no flames, please.