After the lecture from my mother about how I should be more responsible and blah blah blah, I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

What was I thinking? Going up on the roof? Really?! When we moved, I promised myself that I would do better. Mom just divorced my crappy stepfather a few months ago. She doesn't need me being a brat to add to her worries.

My thoughts are interrupted by a buzzing from my phone. Reluctantly abandoning my comfortable position, I grab it from the floor.

Grover here. What the heck happened? I was staying late for tutoring and heard a crash, then saw you and Annabeth get dragged in by Mr. Blowfis.

Wait, how did you get my number?

I have my ways.


So, what happened? Did he catch you two making out in a closet or something?

Har har. No. We fell off the roof.

… Not quite what I was thinking.

I'll give you the whole story tomorrow, okay? I have to work on homework.

Good, because the taco truck down the street is calling my name. Text me the answers when you're done. JK.

Wooow. Talk to you later.

I laugh and shake my head. As weird as Grover was, it was nice to have an actual friend at the school. Sadly, I won't be able to stay at the school if I flunk out. With that thought running through my head, I grab my geometry book and start to work.

Two hours and three problems later, I'm stumped. Mom was an art major and knows almost no math, so she was no help. And unfortunately, I've never been able to learn off of the Internet tutorials available. I need human help.

Except I don't know anyone from the school besides Grover.

And Annabeth.

Yeah, I'd rather fail the course.

I think back for a second. Didn't Grover say he was being tutored when he heard Annabeth and I fall from the roof? I send him a quick text.

Hey dude. Can you hook me up with the tutor you use for geometry? I don't understand a word of this.

You know I would, but she's busy for like, two weeks. I just started with a new one today.

Well, can't you get her to help me?

School policy. The smart people can only tutor one person at a time.

Dang it.

I'll ask Mr. Blowfis, but IDK. Sorry.

It's alright. Hopefully I won't fail too badly.

When I walk into school the next day, Annabeth approaches me with a smirk.

"Guess what, Seaweed Brain? I've just been exempted from detention by Mr. Blowfis himself. Have fun mopping floors!"

She walks off quickly before I have the chance to respond, and I put my head in my hands. Just great. Even if it was with Annabeth, I still don't like the idea of cleaning the school by myself.

As soon as I raise my head up, Grover stands in front of me. "Guess what? I got you a tutor."


"Yep. Talked to Mr. Blowfis this morning. You're supposed to go to Room 221 at four. Oh yeah, did I mention he's revoked your detention? Apparently learning is more important than cleaning or something. You're welcome."

I let out a huge sigh. "Dude. Thank you so much."

He grins. "No prob. You owe me at least three enchiladas, though."

"Consider it done."

After buying Grover four enchiladas (Hey, I'm a nice guy), we sat down at what our fellow classmates like to call the loser table. Today, it contained most of the regulars, including Tyson, the six foot five kid who acted like he was eleven, Michael, a guy around my age who always carried around a bow and arrows, despite school rules, and a pudgy guy who's name I didn't know, who always brings a water bottle shaped like a wine bottle to lunch.

"So, wait, who is this tutor I'm missing detention for?" I asked Grover.

He took an enormous bite of enchilada.


He pointed to his mouth and made exaggerated chewing noises.

"Come on!"

Finally, Grover swallowed. "Dude, does it matter?"

He rolled his eyes. "You'll see, okay?"

"Well, doesn't that sound ominous."

He grinned, and took another bite. "You have no idea."

A short chapter, and it doesn't make up for my disappearance. Gods, guys, I'm sorry. If there's any interest in this story, I'll keep it going, but if there isn't, I'll probably abandon it. So, if you want this story to continue, please, please, please review. And favorite and follow, of course.

You guys are awesome.

Love, Aud.