Something Nuclear

Post ep of sorts for 6x5.

"Why didn't you let him tell us the names, Beckett?" Castle whined in that boyish manner that she loved to hate. "It would've saved all the time we're inevitably going to spend arguing about it."

"C-a-stle," she enunciated careful, eyes sparkling with humour. Her fiancé ignored her, too lost in his dramatised rant.

"We both have traditional names. King Richards and Queen Katharines of old are plentiful. Regal. Maybe we should keep the trend going. I like George. Oh, how about bloody Mary? 'Cause you know blood…murder brought us together," he noticed Beckett slowly backing her chair away from the desk – and effectively their conversation. Admittedly, it was somewhat of a one-sided conversation… "C'mon Beckett," he pleaded, puppy dog eyes in full play, "you should be much more invested in this topic." His entreaty was met with a patented Beckett eye-roll.

"Castle," she stated dryly, "we already have three children." She raised a finger. "One, Alexis. Your daughter. Who already has a name. One that does not have blood in the title, which is probably for the best." Castle scowled at her.

"I was trying to poetic. I'm a romantic, Beckett. You know that," he muttered lightly.

"Yes, like that time you gave Gates my earrings. Such romance," she teased wryly.

"Humpf," he puffed an affronted pout. "So, I, we have one child, who as you mentioned already is named. We could still give her a super cute nickname? But I digress. That leaves us two to name…"

"I'm not even going to address the fact that we're having this discussion based on the words of a man who has spent extensive time in psychiatric facilities… Okay, so we have Alexis," Beckett emphasized with her finger once again. "Two and three, we have Ryan and Espo. Three children, all named, already." Steady footfalls behind her assured her that as least some of what she had said had been caught by the men in question.

"Um, are you planning on naming your children after us?" Ryan beamed.

"Nah, bro. They're saying we are their children, which personally I take just a little offence to," Esposito interjected. "Although, if it means I get access to Dad's Ferrari more regularly then I'm cool with it."