Reviews for Man to Man
library.of.trifles chapter 1 . 5/31
I do not forgive this fic for being anti-hans, however "I died for her" is going on my gravestone OR BUST. it's fine i'll just read unlucky 13 next
StarlingChild4 chapter 1 . 5/27
"You really want to know? ... I died for her." *insert fangirling gif here*

I really love this! I can see why Eugene would suspect Hans. Being a reformed thief, he knows "bad types" of all shapes and sizes. This is short yet effective, with great characterization with both Princes. Well done!
Devin Trinidad chapter 1 . 4/26/2019
Really interesting crossover. Wonderfully executed, and I really appreciated the brevity of it all. Kudos to getting characterization right and fitting in an interesting scenario where this could have easily happened.

Great job and have a wonderful day!
GreenDrkness chapter 1 . 1/30/2018
Ha I love this Hans snubbed Eugene and now Eugene doesn't have to do anything to snub him in return
Keep on the writes
The BritCrit chapter 1 . 9/14/2017
This is an interesting little short. The idea of pitting Eugene against Hans is a very good one. It's great to see the former thief with a heart of gold come up against the scheming prince, and incredibly satisfying when Eugene gives Hans a piece of his mind at the end...

'Man to Man' may not have much of a storyline, but it doesn't need to. It would have been nice if this fanfic was a bit longer (Is Eugene the only person who can see through Hans' signature 'Prince Charming' act? How does he communicate his suspicions to other characters?), but it's still very good. Both scenes in the story are written well, with strong dialogue and clear descriptions conveying a memorable atmosphere and a sense of tension.

The best thing about this tale is getting to see a darker side to Eugene (which still manages to be totally in-character). He avoids the temptation to get violent and doesn't even raise his voice, but as he responds to Hans' misdeeds and excuses, his complete contempt for his adversary is clear throughout. The scene demonstrates that, as lively and funny as he can be, offending Eugene can be a very bad idea...

Overall, I really enjoyed this fanfic, as it highlights Eugene's moral code and shows us how being with Rapunzel has changed him for the better...

Keep Writing!
OnewAyOnly chapter 1 . 5/7/2017
Wow I've always wondered how these two would interact. I think you nailed
Merkitten chapter 1 . 11/12/2016
jovysanchez17 chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
This was a really nice story. I must say that having Rapunzel and Eugene in Frozen was a really nice trick from Disney, because as this fic had shown it's very ironic that Eugene in royalty while Hans became a criminal. I lik how you made Eugene annoyed, yet he managed to get his emotions and actions in check because he knows that Rapunzel will give him an earful. And gosh I hate Hans and his evil schemes, its believable that if this fic happened I don't doubt that those words will come out from him. Kudos to you and this wonderful story! You have done a great job! :D :)
Toaofwriting chapter 1 . 3/12/2015
Well done indeed; I loved Eugene getting one over Hans
Hedlund chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
Ooooh, I like this. Hans isn't even half the man Eugene is, and it's nice seeing that acknowledged.
ElricKeyblade chapter 1 . 1/7/2015
This crossover drabble is AMAZING! I love looking into Eugene's thoughts and how he stuck it to Hans. Great work!
noitffb chapter 1 . 11/29/2014
I love this story! In less than 1,000 words you flawlessly summarized Eugene being suspicious of the dastardly Prince Hans! Great job! :):)
Shawn Raven chapter 1 . 8/23/2014
Ouch, right in the face Hans! :)
Adrift At Sea chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
That last sentence was just...damnnnn. Hans just got put in his place!
BottleofColors chapter 1 . 5/6/2014
This is probably one of the very few one-shots that had me totally satisfied! Great job!
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