Reviews for The Voices Beneath
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee chapter 10 . 4/6
aaah! i absolutely cannot WAIT to see how this plays out! And the reveal of kenny's immortality was short, and sweet, and emotional! i love this so much thank you for bringing this into the world ;;
Srgw chapter 7 . 4/6
oh god oh heck i just know something horrible is gonna happen to lola ;;
Guest chapter 1 . 3/4
Is it just me or is this guy borderline copying Mysterion Mythos Cthullu Fthagn?
HiddenFlowerDesi chapter 10 . 7/16/2019
I know this story hasn't been touched in five years, but this is honestly one of the dopest fics I've ever read and the best South Park one I've ever seen, and despite all logic saying you're never going to finish this, I really hope you at least update this glorious tale!
NW nightwalker Hp chapter 10 . 4/19/2019
Ohh it’s nice to see this
random person chapter 10 . 4/8/2018
Brooke chapter 10 . 12/9/2017
DUUUUUUUDDDE WHERE ARE YOU?! This is seriously incredible AND I NEED MORE!
BruinsOrDie chapter 1 . 11/6/2017
Plz update
AlchemyWriter chapter 10 . 10/8/2017
Please tell me this story isn't dead. It's very interesting and I'd love to read more. Makes me want to write a SP fanfiction around Coon and Friends. Seriously. UPDATE. It's been years!
Matt212 chapter 10 . 12/9/2015
Coming up on two years with no update, really hope this story isn't dead :'(
I'm in no way exaggerating when i say this is one of the best Fanfics I've ever read. I was working on my own Mysterion/Cthulhu fic when i started reading this, and now i feel de-motivated because i really don't think it's possible for me to create anything anywhere near as good as this. It's one of the most enthralling and gripping stories i've experienced. Period. I can't get across how good i thought this whole fic was, and i really hope you come back to updating this story.
dorkyflygonFFNET chapter 3 . 10/9/2015
Ok. I've only read two chapters so far, but this is literally the best SP fanfic I've read by far. Just the writing style, the vocabulary, the small amount of mistakes, the so far very gripping plot; everything about this is seriously amazing. I love the whole improvements you did for the moolighters, and Kyle's new and improved hero suit was so cool!
I also just love the personalities of all the characters; each has his or her own personal charm that you incorporated in a way that I really liked. And the plot is very interesting and original and I just can't wait to read more. The only question I have regarding this is, why is Mole here? Didn't he die in the movie? Not that I don't like his role here (I actually really do), but was bringing Mole into it intentional, and if so, how was he resurrected? I'm not sure if your finished with it or not, but wether you are or not, this is really, really enjoyable to read and I can't wait to read more. You are an amazing writer- keep it up!
StarTrail chapter 10 . 3/31/2015
This story is so great! I really loved what you've done with all the characters (good call on changing Token's superhero name, btw) and it made me so happy when Stan and Kyle found out about Kenny! At first I admit I didn't want to read this story because I loved the Mysterion Mythos so much but your story is so completely different in a lot of ways (let's say, everything but the basic premise and that Wendy joins) that there's no feasible way to compare them and I realize now that it was really silly of me to do so-your story is totally awesome and I loved it! Please update again! (it's been like a year? :'( please don't be abandoned)
Carbie chapter 10 . 3/6/2015
Please continue? This is a great story! At least give us a little update to show us you're still alive?
Kin-Cryptid chapter 10 . 1/18/2015
Holy shit, please update this soon, I'm dying from the anxiety of waiting... ;;
La-Pia chapter 10 . 9/2/2014
Woot finally caught up with the ten chapters its anazing! i think youve done the best job keeping everyone in character, i gave up south park for a while but recently got back into it after i heard season 18 was goin to air this month, the fic makes waiting more bearable ouo, i hope everything is ok with life so far, this really is one of my favorite stories so i look forward to any updates
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