Reviews for A Date With A Zangoose
Guest chapter 2 . 3/12/2019
Zangoose was cute the moment i saw him,I'm male
Noscopeabomb chapter 7 . 8/1/2018
I'm reading this late at night and have made an amazing discovery, yawns are contagious even theiuvh books.
IGSA101 chapter 4 . 2/16/2017
You seem to have uploaded chapter four inside chapter three, instead of separately and then uploaded chapter four again.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/24/2016
Jesus loves you and thinks you're amazing and wants to forgive you, all you have to do is ask and repent out loud please please please please please please please please don't waste your blessings You're amazing and JESUS WANTS SO BADLY TO FORGIVE YOU Please let him Jesus will come into your life and help you with WHATEVER you need help with if you ASK and REPENT OUT LOUD..
ayyyylmaoooo chapter 7 . 12/18/2015
Dimension Distorter chapter 7 . 12/18/2015
Jesus Christ. How did I not know this was updated!? Shame on me, huh!? Now here I go months later with a review. Well it was everything expected it to be! Except for the whole scaring thing. That wasn't expected but when you're fucking a Zangoose, I guess that it'll happen if you aren't careful. But who am I kidding? I'd KILL to be in Daniel's position! Rowan is so adorable!
ThisGuyLovesSubbyLucario chapter 7 . 8/18/2015
VERY cute story with a saucy sex scene! Glad to hear that there will be more to this; I agree, relationships, especially ones that are planned to remain, shouldn't just be sex-oriented, no matter just how amazing that sex may be.

Great job here!
Spyvsspy chapter 7 . 8/14/2015
Nice story bro can't wait to see me ;)
Affian Rage chapter 7 . 8/14/2015
Maybe it was just me, but I totally read "maybe just leave out the dirty parts" in Garrus' voice I though it was quite fitting.

But talk about rough sex, not gonna lie though, that is a pretty intriguing thought. I cant speak for anyone else but a little pain brings out a little more pleasure sometimes.

Regardless, well done. I have been looking forward to this installment and I am pleased with what you have produced. Keep on writin :P
Dimension Distorter chapter 6 . 7/9/2015
Oh..COME ON! REALLY!? (Anime Tears) That's cruel to leave it off like that. Is it too much to ask for a Zangoose get pounded?
redsaaryn chapter 6 . 6/9/2015
yay!, another good chapter but im starting to think that you are only teasing us with this
W3r3gam3r chapter 5 . 11/1/2014
PLEASE CONTINUE! It's just getting to the good part, and it's so cute how they're shy around each other.
Affian Rage chapter 2 . 10/21/2014
Did you have a thing with waterfalls? Just curious cause it seems to come up a lot in your stories.
Wither and wane chapter 5 . 10/21/2013
You better be update this again! This is to good to lose!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/7/2013
Do not thank me. thank urself for presentong this artwork. Also i wonder if one will propose to the other?
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