Reviews for Look Who's Talking!
Guest chapter 7 . 5/23/2016
Finn needs to back on up. Smh Mercedes don't mess up a good thing with Sam.
Lamimi25 chapter 7 . 12/22/2014
Wow. I love this story. I know it's been over 2 years since it's been updated but I think it's wonderful. Just FYI

jacquelinehogan922 chapter 7 . 8/26/2014
Please finished
Guest chapter 3 . 8/21/2014
Wish you'd come back to this really enjoyed it.
NeneJPhilly chapter 7 . 7/7/2013
I know the baby's named after Puck but that's Artie! Every time he says something, I hear Artie's voice!

Also, there's a difference between a father & a dad. Finn is Noah's father but Sam is his dad. They need to go on & let him get his daddy on & stop acting like they owe Finn something. The moment he walked out would have sealed his fate with me. Walk out on me; idgaf. Walk out on my kid ONCE? You no longer exist! Children need stability & a healthy environment. You can't have a revolving door of people in their lives. Yes, Noah deserves to know him but until Noah is old enough to ask those questions & understand the consequences, his MOTHER (ie the woman who pushed him through her vajayjay!) calls the shots.

Is Finn's name on the birth certificate? Sam's would be! Mercy is being way too nice to this dude (& his overbearing momma)! No woman wants a mommas boy & that's exactly what Finn is. He can't open his damn mouth & tell his mother he's a grown ass man & will drink twenty cocktails if he felt like it? Bump that!

Lovin the fact Sam knows what he wants & is going after it! Life's too damn long to be miserable & regrets are stupid!
cosmickym chapter 1 . 8/25/2012
I know I just met you, and this is crazy, you're really pregnant, but call me maybe? hilarious!
shannen.orourke chapter 7 . 8/4/2012
Great fanfic i loved the first chapter i think i read it like 10 times lolz when is the next chapter coming out ?
shanti-noel03 chapter 7 . 8/2/2012
"I'm dying mom. I'm dying a slow death. You can have Mr. Binky and dad can have my Elmo building blocks. It's alright. I'm ready to go."

I. CACKLED. Ohmigod, Noah is just hilarious! Love, love him. And I love how Sam is just at ease with him while he was sick. They kissed! :D (does a Mercedes and Sam kissed dance) Then here comes Finn raining on the love train parade. I know he's the child's birth father but he has an odd way of showing up when necessary and just making everything more awkward.
Alliecattie3 chapter 7 . 7/31/2012
Great update! Look at Sam going for it with the I love yous and let's talks. And after she jumped on his lips, I think Mercedes needs to recognize that she has some more than friendly feelings for Sam also. Can't wait until she really decides to embrace her relationship with Sam for all it can be.
As usual, Noah is HAlarious! His last will and testament! Really? So glad Noah didn't witness the kiss, his reaction would've sent me into hysterics!
What's up with Finn playing the concerned dad all of a sudden. He had better not try to insert himself into the Samcedes family in the works. Please update soon!
chordoverstreetfanactic chapter 7 . 7/31/2012
So good ! Can't wait for more ! :) update soon !:)
TheBetterPoison chapter 7 . 7/31/2012
Woo! Woo! Mercedes initiated the first kiss! Yay! And dammit Finn! Lol loved the chapter! Noah's dialogue is always my favorite :)
zeejack chapter 7 . 7/31/2012
omg, finn quit c-blocking! baby noah is so freaking funny. poor thing is sick but still funny as hell. so glad you updated. more please!
zaire.ashanti chapter 7 . 7/30/2012
I hate Finn ! He's such a cockblocker .
- can you make him like go away or something , Mercedes & Sam are so cute together. & Finn keeps messing is up . Uggh !
- other than that I love this story .

# update soon please .
sadhappygirl chapter 7 . 7/30/2012
Baby Noah is so cute... Mercedes Sam is the better choice...
TheBetterPoison chapter 6 . 7/7/2012
So glad I finally got to reading this chapter! I love the humor from Sam, Luck and Noah. It's adorable! And I love that Sam's being a superb daddy figure to Noah. I hope he won't blow it and give Mercedes reason to doubt him though!

And part of me feels a little bad for Finn after reading this chapter bit I also can't forget that he brought this on himself by cheating on the fabulous Ms. Jones. Anywho, I can't wait to read more!
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