Reviews for Terror from the Depths
canikostar99 chapter 6 . 4/25/2012
looks like they found the others that were captured already at least sonic and shadow but has anyone thought to just eat their way out? i mean it is sea weed and sea weed IS edible that's why it's used in sushi and many other types of food
canikostar99 chapter 5 . 4/25/2012
wait, wait, wait rocket got kidnapped by the monster so how is he interpreting a water logged journal if he's in the recluse's cave by now and how did that journal survive being in the water without disintegrating or being eaten by fish (fish will only not eat something if it will poison them to death which usually means it's chemically treated in someway)i have over looked the faulty logic on both the shoe and why they would go into the sunken ship in the first place (it's very dangerous the ship could shift due to currents in the ocean or sand could fill the opening and trap you) because i figured you wouldn't think to much about either or you just needed convenient evidence with the shoe and not many people are expected to know that going in a shipwreck on a dive is dangerous unless your a diver (or me apparently who was just a few weeks ago watching a documentary that dives on different shipwrecks)by the way the plot line is actually very interesting despite the fact it probably doesn't sound like i'm very interested it's the fact that i am interested that i have analyzed it so thoroughly and picking up all the strangenesses that needed questioning after all what kind of genius detective could i ever become if i ignore the obvious and as for the rocket case stated at the top i really would like an answer cause the story clearly stated he was grabbed and there was no scene of him breaking free which makes me suspect him of being a clone with the real rocket back at the cave or in allegiance with the recluse (sorry if i sound like conspiracy theorist or something of the sort can't think of any better explanation if there wasn't any fighting going on
canikostar99 chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
i would assume sonic would want to be away from deep water considering he can't swim and all also why didn't they keep an eye on each other while searching they were acting like all those guard idiots that you see in all those horror movies you know? the parts where the guys weren't thinking about safety measures during a plan and it back fires when the serial killer or whatever starts taking them out one by one cause they stopped paying attention although i guess it could just be said that they didn't plan ahead or were too intent on their prey

what no sound or voice recognition? people should recognize the sound of someone falling in the water usually being dragged into the water will flail around causing heavy amounts of water displacement and very loud splashing and your arms are tied the initial splash should signify to allies of your descent to the deep unless unless you are dragged down slowly then you get plenty of shouting time... unless the creature is smart and gives you a mouthful of tentacle work your mouth on i got nothing to prevent stealthy creatures in that case anyways since not everyone is sherlock holmes and i am one of those people who enjoy poking holes in peoples logic (since my own, if you look at things literally, is perfectly stable)i will keep reading and report back to on any logic benders i find (it gives me a kick to point out mistakes i'm sorry if it makes you feel better i am horrible at figurative language cause i take it literally every time and my understanding of it's usage only extends as far as a third graders and i have terribly slow and messy hand writing)