Reviews for FAT Camp
CraSheD chapter 21 . 6/3
Author, have you forgotten about this story? I'm still looking forward to updating your beautiful story, even after a few years. I didn't find any fan fiction better than this one. I've re-read all your Cade stories and it's great. You describe the characters ' feelings so well that I can feel them through my phone screen. You are one of my favorite authors in this fandom. So if you do decide to update this beautiful story, I will be happy to read it.
MoonmistFire chapter 21 . 3/1
You know, I don't think I've ever once posted a comment on a story. I'm not active at all on here, and I only come to this site when I'm really at my wits' end and am rEALLY craving some good fanfic. I recently fell in love with this ship, and I guess I've really been waiting for a fanfiction that tugged on my heartstrings as profoundly as this one did, and THAT'S why I'm writing this out right now - because this is it! This is the fic that's done me in, that's put an end to me, because it's just that perfect. I can't express how much it means to me. Heck, it means so much to me that I've read this entire thing, all 117,542 words of it, in a day while I was supposed to be finishing homework.

I love everything about the way you've written this. It completely captures the teenage melodrama and angst that inevitably transpires in one's high school years, and each word seems like it comes directly from what could be a deleted script of the show. The entire thing reads like a novel, or like snapshots from a movie. Really, if the show had a movie, this would be it, one thousand times over, without a doubt. (Well, minus all of the lesbian stuff since it's Nickelodeon, I guess. But a girl can dream.)

It seems as if you've trapped the essence of every character here. And sure, one might complain that Cat is quite out-of-character, but I am in LOVE with how much depth this adds to the reader's vision of her and her conflicts. And the way she struggles with her own sexuality while it's plain as day to Tori - well, that means even more. It adds a whole new dynamic and reveals everything the show COULD have been, had it not been a kids' show made by Nickelodeon.

It's fics like this that make me wish I had grown up with the show. I never had cable television growing up, so it seems as if I've missed out on some collective consciousness I find most of my generation shares. Many indulge in a nostalgia that includes Victorious, iCarly, Sam & Cat - the list goes on and on. I never felt the obligation to watch these shows, never saw the appeal, until recently, when I watched Victorious - and I was reminded of a past I had never experienced before; I felt what I could have felt, had I grown up with this show in my life. And this fic seems to trap that nostalgia, capture it, and expand it until it is folding out upon the world like the pages of a book that have no end. But alas, I find that this does, indeed, have an end - and a very dissatisfying one, at that.

I indulge myself in a little bit of optimism in the hope that you haven't abandoned this story, and that maybe you will see this message and, perhaps, be reminded even the tiniest bit of the twinkle of inspiration that stirred you to begin this story in the first place, and to drive it where it lies today, where it continues to lie, and has been lying for seven years. I know it's a long shot, but, as I said, a girl can dream.

Do excuse my rambling.

Thank you, ever so sincerely, for this absolute masterpiece. Thank you for capturing, seemingly effortlessly, every moment many (including myself) have been tracing alongside you. This is a fabulous undertaking, a most cumbersome effort, and it is a task I hope you will someday soon take upon yourself again. (Furthermore, I hope this message finds you in good health and stability that affords you the ability to continue this story.)

Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Guest chapter 21 . 11/12/2016
Omg PLEASE keep writing! This story is so good and I need Jade and Cat to be together like Eliza and Adriana are ;)
Xrocksx chapter 21 . 11/10/2016
I'm still hoping and waiting for the day you update this
AspiringAuthor236 chapter 20 . 7/20/2016
2015 chapter 21 . 11/26/2015
So it's been that long and still I pass my time in reading this fic occasionally. Because well it's one of the best ones in cade fanfics from also the best writer of course. In hope to remember you that this story indeed still exists I would wish (and am sure not the only one) this story to finish so bad. But I doubt you even seeing this sadly. Anyway still a masterpiece of story here finished or not. Seems no one ever gets to know the outcome of these two in this story. ..
ireallydontwantanametoday chapter 21 . 11/1/2014
This is a great story, I'm sad to see it hasn't been updated in two years :(
p chapter 21 . 8/5/2014
This thing is amazing and that says a lot 'cause I usually say my tagline "The fuck? Seriously? The fuck?" I dunno what happened to you for the past year and 10 months but I do hope you find it in your heart to finish this. I actually agree with one of the comments that said if you have writer's block maybe you can pass it onto someone else 'cause this is amazing and I'm left hanging apparently.
SoraOblivion62 chapter 21 . 8/1/2014
I know it's been a long time since this has updated... I sure hope it does though. I've enjoyed this very unique story... it actually has great characterization and doesn't seem super OOC. Kudos to you for writing it... best of luck with continuing :D.
Caterina Biggins chapter 21 . 4/27/2014
I take it this story isn't going to be updated any time soon, and you probably won't ever see this review, but I'd like you to know that I really enjoyed the Cade dynamic, and although I'm not much of a Cori shipper, I did like a few parts. ;) I also like the a Eliana reference in Chapter 21, Eliza Gills and Adriana Grenado being girlfriends made me laugh out loud, in a good way of course. -Cat :)
Idk chapter 21 . 3/30/2014
At first, I didn't want to start reading this because I knew it wasn't finished, but it was in the top reviews and favorites, so I just had to! Now I'm attached. Can you please please please finish this story? Or, if not, let someone else? I know you haven't updated since like 2 years ago, but maybe if you have writers block you could give the story to someone else?
AvoirLeCafard chapter 21 . 2/4/2014
This is sorta slow in some chapters, and kind of redundant (emotionally) in some. But that really doesn't matter, 'cause this is an amazing piece.

The first thing I love about this is the Jade/Cat dynamics. It's not the usual wham-bam-they're-now-in-love-haha-I'm-awesome. It has progression, and I appreciate that.

The second thing I love about this is the drama. It's very, I don't know, involved? What I mean is that it is emotional without being too overbearing. It make sense, and there's realism to it that I can definitely relate to.

The third one is the surprises. I mean, you showed that something in the past teared the two apart. It's fairly obvious. But man, the way you showed the REAL reason is still surprising in a way. It's not THAT predictable, and I'm pleasantly surprised at the revelation.

All in all, this is a terrific read despite its minor flaws. I hope you continue this, because it'll be a waste if you don't.

LeFemmeChevalier chapter 21 . 1/24/2014
I remembered reading this the first time and I was hooked. This is one of the best written piece in this fandom. Seriously.

And I remembered being disappointed that it hasn't been updated for more than a year (one year, three months, and eighteen days today, but who's counting, eh? *awkward smile*)

Personal matters come first and inspiration is sometimes hard to come by. And if this is just a hobby, I understand. But I really REALLY hope that you'll continue this someday. This story is very gripping and each chapter will left you wanting more and more and more.

Just... your readers miss you an awful lot, mate. :P
meat-throne chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
I just jumped onto the cade fandom-bandwagon recently, and i cant believe i havent noticed this beautiful ship sooner!1!1!1 THIS STORY IS SO GRIPPING AND I THINK IM GOING TO LITERALLY DIE OF SUSPENSE W/O AN UPDATE its been a while since the last one, but i hope u havent left this amazing story yet oh great anwonderful author! 3 I LOVE YOUUUU
Amakatsu chapter 20 . 10/21/2013
PLease update! I re read this story three times now, im dyin' over here...anyways I really like how each character is portrayed, you did a wonderful job, I can really imagine all the emotion and tension, im on the egde of my seat just waiting on how all of this wil add up especially with beck, and I like the name usage for the two girls that was great. Lovin it and I have nooo room to talk about updating but just a quick review on how I feel about this lettin you know how good it is...hope to see more soon(About chapter 19)
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