Reviews for Newlydeads
Guest chapter 5 . 6/24/2015
This is a really awesome yugioh fic i hope you continue adding more chapters c:
Miss Tako chapter 5 . 6/13/2015
This is awesome. Really, this is one of the best fics. I love they way you wrote the characters, I love their relationships, I love the story, really.
If you ever decide that you want to continue it, I will be here **
Anon chapter 5 . 11/21/2014
I really enjoyed this story, it was the best Yugioh fanfiction I've ever read. Love the writing style. I know you've stopped writing, which sucks, but I hope you can find the time to finish it someday!
shadowwolfoffire chapter 5 . 7/12/2014
Looking forward to more chapters of this story
Yami no Tsuki chapter 5 . 3/20/2014
I love it! Your writing is really amazing. All of it. You're so lucky to be that talented... O.O
But really, it's great. No mistakes, real interesting, good plot and character development, fun to read... I think maybe some people might think it goes too slowly, but I don't. I enjoy the stationary bits as much as the active bits when I'm reading a good story.
I just hope you haven't given up, is all. It didn't even get to the thiefshipping! :O ... I love the characters, though. They're all awesome. I mean... Except for the mean ones.
Oh, and I don't get why the trads have such an issue with the zombies. I mean... What? They're not dangerous, or hostile. They're just... Less animated than before. And creepier-looking. But so? I don't understand
Whatever, though. It makes for a good story. Although I suppose I can't credit you for the idea. Actually, the summary made it sound a lot like Warm Bodies. 'Cept it's totally different once you actually read like 5 words...
I think it would be great if you wrote more (and not just this). I would say that talent shouldn't be wasted, but I guess that would be slightly hypocritical... Hehe. Lazy me... But, yeah, so I'll just say it would be just fabulous if you could utilise your heavenly gifts and enrich everyone's (coughminecough) lives ;D
Do it for the gaybies!
anonymousEDward chapter 5 . 9/22/2013
So, what do I have to bribe you with to get you to write more of this story?
croquant chapter 5 . 7/28/2013
Whoa. This is really, really good. I like the way you incorporated each of the characters here. Setting it from Bakura's point of view is especially great, what could be utterly depressing is uplifted a bit by the black humor he injects (along with Malik 3) into his situation. The part with Ryou as narrator almost made me cry. Very effective and readable. Thanks for uploading what you have so far. Even if you don't plan on continuing fandom, I encourage you to keep writing, you have definite and sustained talent.

Richi the demon chapter 5 . 4/23/2013
You better update this. Seriously. Now. It is too amazing to never continue.
Seqka711 chapter 5 . 4/18/2013
Wow! This story is so interesting and it has such a unique idea! I think Bakura's reaction to Ryou's death and re-birth is very realistic, and I like the interactions between Malik, Bakura and Marik. And Mariku's interactions with Ryou... will this turn out to have Deathshipping as well as Thiefshipping? .
SuperFISHiality chapter 5 . 2/28/2013

This is amazing! Seriously! I didn't expect a zombie/Yu-Gi-Oh story to be anywhere near this good. I figured it'd be just another goofy jumble of randomness.

I was all like 'but... it has a PLOT! A GOOD plot. With depth. It's actually... well written *gasp* and interesting.'

And did the summary say thiefshipping? As in romantic thiefshipping? With zombies? I NEED to see this.

Tibra17 chapter 5 . 1/15/2013
Hi. I stumpled upon this story on tumbler and I love it! It's so funny and the characters are in place. I just want to know what happens next. I look forward to and update one day.
SuiteHeart52 chapter 5 . 12/23/2012
Fallen in love with this story and homecoming w
Erisna chapter 5 . 12/11/2012
OMG. This story is AMAZING. :D I know, not a very helpful review, but this story was so awesome that it has distracted me from studying for my Genetics final so I have to be quick. Can't wait to see more!
Guest chapter 5 . 12/11/2012
whens the next chapter?/
sitabethel chapter 5 . 11/20/2012
I've read a few of your stories now and you always have well-rounded, three denominational characters, good imagery, and your stories are well paced. Hope you finish this :)
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