Reviews for Pumpkin Power
dukefan01 chapter 1 . 6/24/2011
I like it. I don't know why but i have found Kenpachi to be a comforting character of sorts latley. Nice job though, it was a really good story. This would have to be the third time i read it today!
St. Harridan chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
Goodness, this is a very bittersweet piece that nearly rocked me to tears. I myself froze when Hisagi threw the egg at Kenpachi, but then grinned when the latter bestowed his recognition upon Hisagi. That was really a memorable scene. And I especially like how you mentioned Kenpachi's fondness for Yachiru during the vegetable-carving scene, as well as the fact that 11th Division is not merely a den of "beasts", but is actually one, big family.
shinimommy chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
I like this. Happy. Knows the characters. Good writing. Short. Complete :-)Thanks - and write more, willya?
Dreadful Virtue chapter 1 . 9/9/2010
oh wow - two amazing pieces. You really managed to portray their characters. Awesome job!
deadpoolhulk chapter 1 . 9/9/2010
that was beautiful
icebreaker316 chapter 1 . 9/9/2010
this is so characteristic of the 11th. they are just a huge family who know how to have fun and accept one another. i really enjoyed how you contrasted tousen's view of the 11th to what hisagi actually discovers about them. i might be biased, because they're my favorite squad :D ken-chan should win the father of the year award! but i guess when your only competition for that prize is mayuri...well, it ain't hard to win. still, ken-chan is like a big, lovable papa bear when he's not massacring entire cities! loved this!
Nicky Eira chapter 1 . 9/9/2010
Short and well-written ] love the title, by the way XD
Barbellenel chapter 1 . 9/9/2010
Very nice! Well-written story. The characterizations are spot-on, as far as I'm concerned. It kept me interested, and there were no grammatical errors that jumped out at me to drive me crazy! Great story. Very enjoyable and again, well-written. :)