Reviews for Silver Earrings
IDrinkTheBloodOfVegans chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
I love this!
Me chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
ImpalaLove chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
Wow. I mean, that's really all I can think of to say. I thought it was a great story and then I got to that last part (still wondering where the title came from actually) and then I just had to sit here for a minute. Really, really powerful stuff.
Sahkess chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
Amazing piece. Not the typical h/c story for sure, and I'm glad I read it. The happyish ending for the boys, but I'm still awestruck by the mixed sadness of the last few sentences. Your writing style is very unique, and thank you for this piece.
Parnassus chapter 1 . 5/20/2013
Ok this sounded exactly like Chuck narrating one of the boys "adventures" or what not. Sounded like a missing portion of Swan Song...(that's a super impressive thing just in case you were wondering). Really nice story.
Kamilia chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
Absolutely beautiful.
Oshii chapter 1 . 1/8/2012

This story was phenomenal. Beautiful, even. Your somewhat cynical, matter-of-fact realism of the situation is what really made the story and kept my attention throughout. I liked how you avoided straying into the realm of the cliche and the sappy, instead just coasting on the real-life predicaments and treatments of Dean's cancer and remission. The brothers' coping methods were great, also. Dean buying a deep-fryer and a ten-pound bag of potatoes to make homemade french fries and Sam using a fake credit card to buy a PlayStation 3 just so they'll have something to take their minds off the whole cancer situation - brilliant. That's exactly what I would do. Deny, avoid, take pleasure in instant gratification and the simple pleasures of deep-fried food instead of breaking down and caving to your true terrified, scared, hopeless feelings about your (or your beloved brother's) possibly very real imminent death.

This fanfiction was honestly unlike any other I've read before. Loved every word of it. Enraptured and awed, I leave you this review. Good job!
Kate chapter 1 . 12/9/2010
This is amazingly well written. Surprisingly hopeful, too. And it is about cancer, for cryin' out loud.

Really loved the small things: the details, the no-lifting-face-to-the sky and no-reveling-in-the-miracle-of-life stuff, the boys' different and yet quite similar ways to cope (or rather not) with what's happening.

You made it believable and haunting at the same time. And even though I actually came to read your humorous stuff (those about "squish" are pretty hysterical, btw :)) I was unexpectedly rewarded with somethin' truly cathartic (very much not in the medical sense:)). So, thanks. And rock on, yeah.
Cecile chapter 1 . 8/9/2010
Wow, I don’t know what to say, this story is unique. Yeah the topic is hard, but in a way it’s not angsty and heartbreaking but realistic. I really like that they (well actually you) didn’t go for the touchy heart to heart conversation but the fight about anything and their very crappy coping mechanisms. I have so many things in mind but actually can not say so much. Obviously I don’t have your writing talent. Love your work! Cecile.
BranchSuper chapter 1 . 7/30/2010
This is quite a story - an unflinching look at how the guys handle a very serious health crisis. Beautifully done.
Shannanigans chapter 1 . 7/30/2010
I'm sorry to whomever is dealing with this. Brutal. Well done, as always.
DeanCasLover22 chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
That was good, the ending was interesting.
Noninone chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
Dude, I dont even know what the fuck to say.
storyaddict69 chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
Damn you just love making me cry dont you...that was a really good story...
TheKritty chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
This made me cry and grin and laugh so hard.

It made me cry because it was a sad-ish happy ending, for the boys at least. Half open ended (because it isn't officially healed...) but for them, it's over.

And it made me grin, because it was nice to see, that not everything must have to do with loosing hair, getting really thin and puking a as a H/C-sucker, I'm a fangirl of stories like this one, especially stories from you.

"The doctor tells them Dean has "an anal carcinoma," which Dean knows is really just a less humiliating way to say "ass cancer.""

Maybe I shouldn't have, but I . . It was so...Dean-ish, even though he didn't say it, but he COULD have said it. *lol*

Awesome epic story. Oh and I love the woman with the earrings. She was trigger for my tears.

Very very well done!

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