Reviews for A Day in the Life of a Social Knight
Pen and Paper71 chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
Oh, I like this. I think that you did a really good job with this. The characters seem to be well handled and the plot made for a fun read.

Rody and Luke are, I believe, supposed to be the green/red knight combo in Book 2/FE12. I think that Cain and Abel are considered too different in that game (Or that portion of the game if we're talking about FE3) to still be the red and green knight archetype for this game. But I'm no expert on the archetypes, so I can't give you a definite answer. I'm sorry.

I hope that you write more soon.
Gunlord500 chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
Hey, BlackCavern! Since you asked for some feedback I thought I'd give some to ya I thought this was very good! Rody seemed to be in-character, and his difficulties with dealing with Lady Mina were interesting XD So overall, I think you've written something you can be proud of. Nice goin' :)
Mark of the Asphodel chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
Oh, gosh, this was cute, and it was SO welcome to see something about Rody! Everyone seemed in-character (for FE12, anyway... Cecil just didn't seem as aggressive in FE3 as they made her in the new version). But the interaction between Rody and Luke was just great (loved the "Food poisoning? Hangover? Cecil?" exchange), and all the various character dynamics were well-portrayed. You showed the various social spheres and the discomfort and tension that go with them very well. There were some grammar mistakes and a couple of moments where it switched from past tense to present, but the overall writing style was enjoyable.

As for the Cain/Abel question- as far as the remake goes, I think Rody is definitely supposed to be the "Abel" (lance specialist) and Luke the "Cain" (sword specialist) even though Luke wears blue armor, but I've never seen a definitive answer as far as FE3 goes... and Cecil makes things complicated.