Reviews for The Whole Wide World
Hiezen chapter 7 . 11/10/2011
preferably russia/canada but any pairing will suffice...prompt: curl/ahoge
rockstar666hailsatan chapter 7 . 4/5/2011
These are so cute! Do you accept crack pairings? Could you do AustriaxMonaco for me? Prompt: Glasses
KnivesAreNummy chapter 7 . 4/4/2011
Aww Ivan :O

This is cute~ Do more?

NetherlandsxCanada? Prompt - Orange
OCcreator chapter 6 . 11/29/2010
i add this and your othe story to my fav list! love it!
sakimidare chapter 6 . 11/12/2010
cuteness overdose-
awaylaughing chapter 5 . 5/3/2010
So Russia/Canada - this was short but so sweet, it made me want to hug Ivan, the big lug.

SuFin - was adorable, I like seeing a Finland who is a little more sure of himself and Sweden.

GerIta - Germany you socially awkward blond Adidas you, and Italy, so sweet.

FrUk - all I can say is "aw"

And finally, my prompt, this is pretty much exactly what I had in mind, and I love that Al is jealous even of Kuma. Thank you so much for writing it, it's precious.
Calcara chapter 2 . 4/28/2010
That's Finland, not Norway. Tino, I mean.
darkduchess1 chapter 5 . 4/28/2010
this is so good i really can not wait for the next chapter!
blackash chapter 4 . 4/28/2010
Oh, I like this one the most so far.

I suppose it would be fun to see Prussia x Hungary x Austria, prompt: Music

and Spain x S Italy, Prompt: Language
JustiFaiz chapter 4 . 4/23/2010
Ahh...I can't decide between AmericaxAustria or AmericaxSouthItaly! Meh...Do AmericaxSouthItaly!
Artificial Starlight chapter 3 . 4/15/2010
Ah, so very short! That sucks. But sometimes, it's the little things that really get to you. The first chapter with Russia with really heartfelt. I loved it even if it was, what, two sentences long? It had a warm, loving quality to it.

Sweden/Finland, I love them! I don't read many stories about them, but I have this one, "The Escape" by Verboten Byacolate. Amazing story, but it's so slow at updating. D:

Anyway, they're so cute together!

Germany/Italy... I laughed, because Italy is always so bold, and Ludwig is so socially challenged. XD

So thanks for the read. Good work and good luck! :)