Reviews for Choice
Leopard Forever chapter 20 . 10/5/2019
Hey :), I love this story! It's so unique and lovely, I am a huge Final Fantasy fan, and I hope you'll write more soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/14/2016
Ok, I couldn't get past this chapter. You need a beta or at least comb through your story yourself to find the grammar mistakes.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/14/2016
Why do you have Sephiroth smirk all the time? You need to find a different word...
Sam chapter 1 . 3/23/2016
It started out good, but it fell flat. Your ideas are good, but you need to work on executing them.
UltimateNinjaOfDoom chapter 21 . 6/10/2012
not bad i love it awesome story
Vivi Ruth chapter 19 . 5/30/2012
Glad you didn't add the yaoi scene in this chapter. It seems a lots more like something the creators of Final Fantasy would have written the way it is.
KitaraStrife chapter 8 . 11/1/2011
HEY, LOOKIT! REREADING THROUGH! 8DD Umm... I'm wondering how I missed this the first time, but, ahh... Rufus isn't the president yet at this point in the timeline. 0_o He's only Vice-President, if that. (They never state how old he is in-game/in-movie, do they?) So, ahh... yeah. -;; Thought you'd want to get that fixed sooner rather than later. STILL FREAKING LOVING THIS! Ahh, the joys of not reading something for such a long time. *evil grin*
AnnAisu chapter 21 . 4/30/2011
I agree. I like the first 'Official' ending as well. It was a little rushed, but it made it a little more eral and less of the everything works of perfect *skips around true love* sickeningly perfect endings.
insane devill chapter 21 . 4/21/2011
i really liked the romantic stuff and all but aren't we going a little off track here i mean cmon there is no talk about the future in sephs mind its like he freaking forgot the whole thing what are you ploting dear author?
OTL chapter 9 . 2/19/2011
So many spelling many. Dx

Your writing itself is not bad, I've seen much much worse. Your grammar and story flow seem fine enough. However, you should REALLY REALLY consider a beta...or proofreading. Well, it's only chapter nine, so maybe it'll get better later. ;u;

But you still might want to consider a beta if you still get complaints like this. A few misspelled words won't hurt, but you have more than just a few. It makes it a little painful for me to read. OTL

Waist / Waste
Kyu-Momo chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
ooh, interesting start.

You have me curious. :D
June chapter 20 . 10/3/2010
I was reading this and listening to project playlist... T.A.t.u came on as Seph and Cloudy were making love... it was show me love and I almost cooed... it was perfect for the section.
Youkai chapter 5 . 7/9/2010
Poor Seph, did anyone ever tell him De'nial isn't just a river in Egypt?
Jasper's Singer chapter 21 . 3/6/2010
I liked the other ending better.. but I still like the idea of the wedding... they really can't have one with the other ending because of all the everybody-hatting-Sephiroth thing.
Jasper's Singer chapter 20 . 3/6/2010
yay! They got there happily ever after. I'm so glad. though it kinda started off on a scary note with the rape dream.
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