Reviews for Pizza
CrystalBlueWolf chapter 1 . 9/3/2011
aw i was half hoping for a food fight lol but this is just as good ;)
Darren chapter 1 . 8/25/2011
Lol I must say I adore your detailed opinion on pizza. Diamond just told me to check this one out because its her personal favorite and I can see why. This is a very honest description on the ideals of actual pizza. You offered a visiual intake of a pizza's physical appearance while including the flaws of it being too greasy. Nice work there. This Hiei was quite clever. That's a trick I might have to consider for myself the next time one of my mates decides to order take out. I'll think about accidentally spilling soda on their shirts or dropping a slice of pizza in their laps. I enjoyed this one a great deal and it was a little more out there then the others but I tolerated it just for you sweet one.
PhoenixDiamond chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
Naughty, naughty, naughty. For shame Hiei. Using the messy tomatoe sauce to make Kurama take off his clothes. You filthy little Koorime lol.

Again I am stuck in the world of fuzzy adoration from how Hiei describes his foods. He always seems to be star struck from each new junk food he tries. And the way you did his reaction to the pizza was perfect. Instead of making him simply up and enjoy it, you pointed out the great taste but how the smell still threw him a little. Very well injected.

I am really having fun reading these _.
Pheonix09 chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
Nice job on this, make a sequel
Elyon Bliss chapter 1 . 1/28/2009
OMG talk about originality! I love the end *guess we're going to have to have pizza more often* So funny!
Chaseha-Wing chapter 1 . 1/25/2009
;_; no lemon?
wingedauthoress14 chapter 1 . 1/24/2009
i have to say, this was my first time reading a yaoi fic (i'm just starting to get into it. yeah. i'm scared too haha- one more rabid yaoi fangirl on the loose :P) anyways, i have to say i absolutely adored this fic. it was really imaginative, fun to read, and has given me some good ideas for the next dinner date my bf and i have lolz jk jk. really great fic- keep up the excellence!
wafflequeen chapter 1 . 1/24/2009
Makes me want to go out and get some pizza.

It wasn't rushed at all this time, but out of personal prefrence I think it ended too soon ;) but that's just me.