Reviews for OH BABY!
Guest chapter 21 . 8/2/2015
Guest chapter 30 . 3/18/2013
Wow! Seriously I love your stories! You have kept me interested in each story and i cant wait to read the next! I have only ever reviewed one other author who also does Hiei/Kurama stories and let me just say yours was quite amazing! I know this is years old but I just want you to know how much I thoroughly enjoy reading your writing!
faithfull lover of saiunkoku chapter 30 . 1/2/2011
Not to be hurtful since this is an old story, the story was very interesting but jeeze too many babies and as for imagination of Kurama/Hiei's babies are just a little weak. I understand that some must have the jagan or a fox tail/ears but their hair color was just bad. It would had been better. It's like when an obsessed Sasuke/Sakura fan make them have twins; one a girl and the other a boy. The girl has black hair with pink bangs and the boy has pink hair with black bangs. It's not original but in this case-it's too complicated so much so that it was unnecessary. Shiori, though I feel for her, she is a little annoying, she want stays with her and his family and turned into a demon. She doesn't seem like a strong woman to me. Hiei, is acting much like Hiei but there'll be a part where he is soo loving Shiori and the next his giving her the death signal, as if his words/feelings of motherly-love meant nothing and would kill her and not feel sorry-which is something Hiei would do but now he's oriented. We know it gets frustrating when a person doesn't understand a certain relationship but jeeze you don't need to death threat them. I love Kaihei/Toushi-adorable little team but their stuff is voyeurs that it kinda takes their lovely-ness not so special. And why in the world do they watch? Demons sure but jeeze everyone else. I love it when they have their moments together alone. And the same thing, the kisses were over rated and they did it too much. It was a good story other wise.
nequam-tenshi chapter 30 . 11/12/2010
So sweet.

I've read so many of your Yu Yu Hakusho stories but reviewed only a few.
ishala8 chapter 30 . 8/6/2010
Seriously, I have no idea how you do it. You pick up the most bizzare and unique subjects, using the to create an amzingly sweet and believable fic. If you put your mind to it, I'm sure you could even have our favourite couple raiding donut factories and still be justified!

Oh, and for the record, I loved this fic. Toushi and Kaihei's relationship seems to be coming along pretty well while the new babies sound adorable AND a handful. Shiori gets a bit annoying at times but she is a grandmother. It is understandable that she wants what she deems best for her grandchildren even if her sons' demon heritage does not agree.

By the way, is Kuwabara going to be turned into a demon by the dragon balls as well? It sounded kind of unfair when Shiori was turned while Yukina lives with the constant fear of losing her mate.

Well, I'll just have to read on and see. Well done so far.
Karen chapter 29 . 10/15/2009
I love every single thing you write please never stop because it makes me happy to read
Goregeous chapter 25 . 5/19/2009
About the Naruto fanfic

U should totally go for it
Goregeous chapter 11 . 3/20/2009

It took me almost a week to get through this story

My friend read through this chapter and I said if she can so can I!

Although My friend just read through it so she is a bit stronger then me

Also I do feel for Shiori

She is human after all and so am I

If I were her, I probably let those two have it too



I kinda would perfer to drug up Toushi instead then that

Sorry guys

But if I were in those two situation I probably do it so he can't feel pain


I still love ur story

Although... u did put a little too mush info in this story

But it's cool

And those who can't get over what happen in this chapter I need to tell u

It's all fictional!

If u stop reading this person story then ur really missing out


Goregeous chapter 1 . 2/26/2009
Hiei likes Gravitation?

I had no idea

IrishMoon7 chapter 29 . 8/12/2008
OH MY GOD! don't you DARE stop this story! if you decide to keep the rest of them to yourself i will CRY! i love this arc and have been following it for a long time on your own site. i will be absolutely depressed if you don't finish. And you're gonna do a crossover with Naruto? will it have SasuNaru or NaruSasu? That would make it like the all time perfect fic! NaruSasu AND KuramaHiei? i might just faint. anyway we all love you and you'd have a lot of disappointed fans if you stopped now so keep going PLEASE!
Firedemon7703 chapter 18 . 6/14/2008
i really enjoyed this story so far. even though i have school i have been able to keep up at an alarming pace. i will continue to read this till the end. i also loved the pics of the kits on ur website. cant wait for the sets of twins pics to be on there thanks for the great read XOXOXO hope ur feeling better
writter4ever chapter 24 . 6/7/2008
Don't ever think of quitting! Stick with it! It only matters if you enjoy your stories and enjoy writting them! I have read all of your stories, so very good and can't get enough! ~Hugs~
Emily Christensen chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
This story was great. Are you going to add the last 4 chapters to your website? Also are you going to continue the other stories?
okamiyuki chapter 30 . 5/13/2008
Yo! This chapter was great! And very much anticipated, mind you! The long awaited arrival of the last chapter is now over! Woo hoo! On to the next! By the way, it came two days before my birthday [5/15] Thanks for the best burthday present so far! Loving this arc! Please continue! I finally changed my e-mail, i never answered the other one... lol! On to the next story! KuramaXHiei 4 life! okamiyuki
Shemaya chapter 30 . 5/10/2008
Ah. Don't stop. If you have a few faithful reviewers isn't that enough? I really like the story though your bluntness throws me off sometimes it's very well thought out and written. Don't get discouraged or stop writings.
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