Reviews for Recipe For Disaster
randomAnon chapter 5 . 2/28/2017
Please please please update! I came back to this story after finding it downloaded onto my old phone. Actually, it's been 5 years since I last read "Recipe For Disaster", and now I know why i kept it on my phone for so long. I'd love to see the end, so please update! Thank you!
strawberrymelon chapter 5 . 8/5/2016
Nooo don't leave me with that cliff hanger! Nice job with the story!
hanshiz chapter 5 . 7/7/2016
This is soooo cute! Great story and well-written. Also, you managed to not make the characters ooc. I hope you do continue this. Kudos!
Little Minamino chapter 5 . 5/29/2015
This is super, super, super, super cute! You have such a good grasp of Ryoma's character and I love how he's starting to fall for her without even realizing that's what it is. Lol, pre-teen boys - Anyway, I know it's been a while since you last updated but know you now have a devoted fan in me! Keep up the great work!
absolutelyfabulouslyobsessed chapter 5 . 10/17/2014

Oh please update soon? I find the manga Sakuno more appealing, but anime Sakuno is also adorable. Thumbs up for the consistency in the characters! And have I said again how this is decidedly awesome? The story flow is also commendable. It's easy to get lost in your story.

BTW, did you know there's an update to this OTP? There's an implied RyoSaku pair in the new PairPuri that Konomi-sensei made! It totally made me fangirl all over the place. Haha. Finally, this otp is so close to being announced as a downright canon!

Please, please update soon?
Birdie Ruskin chapter 5 . 9/4/2014
Good story! Please continue! .
dani314 chapter 5 . 6/28/2014
PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE tell me ur writing another chapter great story absolutly loved it but DONT ended like that i mean yes it was dramatic and everyone when they finish reading is like ur so dum ryoma but who dosent like a happy ending were the "prince"falls in love with something other than himself or in this case tennis so aniway really hope u do another chapter or more but this is still a great story
Guest chapter 5 . 6/13/2014
Just read this fanfic now..and beyond words,it's awesome! Looking forward to the nearing end of the story..cant wait
LeyCoo chapter 5 . 12/4/2013
Omfg, how could you stop updating at the most crucial moment in the story?! I know it's been like... six years, but I'm going to keep my hopes up and follow the story in case you ever decide to update (which i strongly encourage!)
At least one more chapter, to tease my already addicted mind?


Come back, pls. ;_;
the honest reader chapter 5 . 11/1/2013
I hate reading fanfics like this, that are 'dead', as in unfinished and will seemingly remain unfinished for all of eternity. Especially when you click on said fic without looking at the date it was last updated and only notice it after you've become involved in the story... : ( This was a pretty great fic, the writing was sarcastic and funny, the characters were spot on, and the concept was a really great idea. Ryoma's reaction to realizing his feelings for Sakuno, and snapping at her like that, just clinched it for me, great characterization.

I hope your ok(still alive), and this message reaches you, so you can update. But I have feeling you won't but it was worth a shot. Still enjoyed what part of the fic was completed though.
for-the-giggles-why-not chapter 5 . 10/21/2013
i really liked your story
i think you played the characters really well
please update soon
MLeggyLeaf chapter 5 . 8/29/2013
Ryouma!you baka!
Lol he's so in self-denial!
Write more! Love it!
Nike-chan chapter 4 . 7/16/2013
Ahh! I need a continue! Please, continue!111
Nike-chan chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
Own! This is gonna be sooo cute! I'm like Ryoma. But i'm like more Ryoma's suffering! Congratulations for the fic!
Cleorhiza chapter 5 . 4/25/2013
It;s getting more and more exciting each chapter .. I hope there's a continuation of this ... :))
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