Reviews for Devil May Cry In Konoha
BlitzNeutral69 chapter 5 . 7/10
dante x anko x ayame please!
Red Raven 007 chapter 5 . 7/7
It's all good and all but Naruto is slowly turning into a Gary Stu. Please don't do that. That's not the reason why we like Naruto as a character. Also, Parfaits and Sundaes are two different things. And Dante likes Strawberry Sundaes. Not Strawberry Parfaits. Anyway, still good
shadowdispencer chapter 5 . 7/6
Dante X ayame X anko
Lasagnan Deity chapter 5 . 7/6
Actually, scratch that. I'm voting for Dante x Ayame x Anko.
Lasagnan Deity chapter 5 . 7/6
AYE BRUH! I'd like to vote for Dante x Ayame.
xavex chapter 5 . 7/6
Going with the dante being with mostly anko or this case anko and ayame.

Going to assume the death god transported the older devil arms, since Dante was known to sell his old ones to pay back his debts a bit.
Red Dusk 369 chapter 5 . 7/6
Looks like the story is setting up for some elements of Sakura bashing since she is with neither Naruto or Sasuke, let alone being with Choji of all people. Or maybe Choji should be the one we should feel bad for since he is on the same team as Sakura.

I like how you are aware that the Artemis devil arm got destroyed and it was revealed that Trish had it when she and Lady got their asses handed to them by Urizen and Urizen took it from her. Urizen must've took some of its power before infusing it with Lady. If Urizen thought Artemis had some usefulness to him, it should give you an idea how powerful Artemis (devil arm) must have been lore wise.

And what devil arm was Lilith? I don't remember a devil arm called Lilith. Did you mean Nevan? (Personally I think she is the best girl in DMC, second is Lucia) Also wear is Alastor? I can understand not including Ifrit cause Balrog is pretty much a more powerful version of Ifrit. Since there is a King Cerberus, it gave me the idea that there should be a King Beowulf. Imagine how dope that would be.

If demons do end up showing up, are Dante and Vergil gonna allow their weaker students Ino, Hinata, Shino & Shikamaru use some of their devil arms? Not sure if Anko would need that too since I don't know how she scales power wise with the rest of the Naruto cast. But they can't use just any devil arm.

Alastor might be a no go for any of them cause it is confirmed that Alastor drains the soul of who ever tries to wield it. Of course Dante doesn't get affected by it cause his resistance to soul based attacks is that strong, I don't think any of the students as well as Anko will be able to use Balrog without getting burned to a crisp. Same with King Cerberus in its staff form and they wouldn't withstand the weapon's ice or lightning variant either.

Cavalier, Lucifer, Nevan & Faust might be a little too unorthodox for them. But I'm sure their chakra enhanced bodies will allow them to wield those weapons efficiently with some practice and training.

Gilgamesh, Beowulf & Pandora's Box (as well as Artemis but again that got destroyed) should be easy to use for them. Even a normal human (well, peak physical characters to be more specific) could wield those weapons no problem
Guest chapter 4 . 6/24
Dante x anko
BJJF691 chapter 4 . 6/25
Naruino please
mithhat chapter 4 . 6/24
Anko fits him well
Midnight49 chapter 3 . 6/24
Oh never mind you corrected the way you wrote Vergil’s name.
Midnight49 chapter 1 . 6/24
You do know Vergil is written with an ”e” after the V, right.
tgabbyd8 chapter 4 . 6/24
For the should be Dante/Ayame
And for team seven...switch it up.
keotaka1 chapter 4 . 6/24
im glad you updated!
Red Raven 007 chapter 3 . 6/21
Man, I really think this fic is quite awesome
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