Reviews for Tides of Change
Mike B chapter 10 . 6/7
Great chapter and great job. I love the wedding but I really loved what happened with Jill. I realized that I already read and reviewed the first 9 chapters but I reread them waiting for the final. So, great story and thanks for all your hard work. I’m waiting for you to do a second story for “ The Debate “ .
Mike B chapter 9 . 6/7
Great chapter and great job. Thank you.
Mike B chapter 8 . 6/7
Sarah’s Porsche.
Mike B chapter 7 . 6/7
Good chapter. Now we are getting some where. Great job and thank you for all your hard work.
chucksboxers chapter 10 . 6/3
Thanks Dillwg! I particularly enjoyed the Casey meetup and of course the Jill diss. Well done!
chucksboxers chapter 9 . 6/1
Bond, Jane Bond...charmed, I’m sure...
chucksboxers chapter 8 . 6/1
Totally agree on the Quinn stuff. Good story too!
chucksboxers chapter 7 . 6/1
Charah...crypto...go on, go on... :-)
chucksboxers chapter 6 . 6/1
Love Carina! Really enjoying this story
chucksboxers chapter 3 . 5/31
Thanks for the escapism Dillwg!
klipdoctor chapter 10 . 5/5
Really fun story, thanks for posting.
Charahfsn chapter 10 . 4/27
Loved that ending, so much was wasted on Jill in the show and you do something like this. Thanks for sharing you talent with us.
supesfan18 chapter 10 . 4/26
Great story loved it. My friend. Especially . eagerly anticipated follow up
michaelfmx chapter 10 . 4/25
Well, not much to say about this chapter. A great epilogue for a great story. I throughly enjoyed the Jill epilogue. It put her in her pm we rather nicely. The only thing missing? Sarah find interesting out she’s pregnant. That could have been a lot of fun.

Anyway, I’m hoping you have another story in the works. Cheers.
CraigBes007 chapter 10 . 4/25
Well done a great story from start to finish, thanks
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