Reviews for 10 Years Later
Jennifer Baratta chapter 20 . 2/25
Outstanding chapter and continue writing stories please
ap2776a chapter 20 . 2/26
Love the twist
imalive222 chapter 20 . 2/26
I love this. Will thete be a sequel?
LoveFlora chapter 20 . 2/26
justanoutlaw chapter 20 . 2/25
I really loved this ending! Regina and Robin not talking for another 10 years makes so much sense. And the paths that lead them to New York and back to each other is beautiful. Their conversation was very real. And I loved little Margot. This ending opens up so much possibilities for the future. You did such a great job with this verse!
SelfProclaimedFangirlKate chapter 19 . 12/3/2019
I love how this chapter ended. If you decide to not have them get together, it would be refreshing because that rarely happens. (But a happy couple ending is always appreciated, too!)
Jennifer Baratta chapter 19 . 11/29/2019
Outstanding chapter!
MJRL chapter 19 . 12/1/2019
I am glad that they talked and that Regina, finally, can really move on with her life and falls in love again. Robin did fall in love with Marian and I hope Regina does the same with someone else.
Homogentisic Acid chapter 19 . 11/29/2019
Oh man this emotional roller coaster!
imalive222 chapter 19 . 11/29/2019
Please update
Homogentisic Acid chapter 18 . 11/4/2019
Oh man oh wow...this is sooooo good.
Andrea Nike chapter 18 . 11/4/2019
what?! no you can't finish a chapter like this! don't you think to our poor heart? you're killing me, I hate suspense! I can't wait to read their conversation!
SelfProclaimedFangirlKate chapter 18 . 11/3/2019
I always love getting a notification that you updated.
dee-thequeenbee chapter 18 . 11/3/2019
Yaaas amazing! I liked how supportive mal was and roland was just so sweet. I can't wait for regina to confront Ursula and Cruella lol
also.. I also can't wait to read their confrontation. You're so good at this angst thing!
Guest chapter 17 . 10/15/2019
How dare Robin make feel Regina guilty and the bad of the story, his such a hypocrite. She was the one who suffer the most first the man she loves with all her heart and soul broke her heart, them she finds out that she's pregnant and lost the baby, and now he had the balls and tell her that he had the right to know, fuck you Robin fuck you, you'll should be grateful the she tell you what happened with the baby that in my opinion she didn't need to tell him anything about it.
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