Reviews for A Stark Out of Place
ACH20 chapter 15 . 7/8
this is amazing and sad at the same time! I love Eddard Stark stories!
Courtney Eagan chapter 15 . 2/26
loved this chapter!
sam chapter 15 . 2/11
great story, thank you ;)
can't wait for more.
please continue ;)
will toni get pregnant?
will they have a lot of kids?
will toni pretend to be jon's mother?
will winter come or is it AU story?
more please ;)
Shirozan chapter 15 . 2/6
i love this fic so much! i come back to read it again all the time! i really look forward to seeing how this progesses :)
FreeLoveFreeSpirit chapter 15 . 12/29/2019
This chapter is amazing IMO, it has me feeling so emotional... poor ned! poor toni!
LewStonewar chapter 15 . 12/26/2019
God damn. This is fucking different and I love it. kudos. more please.
RosieDunne chapter 15 . 11/29/2019
I love it!
Kill Catelin Tully!
Kill her, kill her!
8675309 chapter 15 . 10/29/2019
Guest chapter 15 . 10/13/2019
Oh my god, that just hurt my heart! Toni and Ned and Toni amd Jon and gahhhhh, this is so gut-wrenching for all three of them! “Where were you seven years ago?" Ned wonders miserably, pushing a lock of hair away. "Where were you when I could still have you?"

And oh man, Ned is just so *cute!* I’ve never read a Ned Stark the way you’ve written him. I just want them to be happy!

As for the rest, Syra continues to be hilarious. And I can’t wait for Toni to get to Dorne and meet the Martells! I’m sure they’ll have lots of assumptions about Toni and Ned and Jon too. But I don’t think the Dornish would necessarily be against trade with the Westerlanders...if she makes it plain that the common people are being abused and mistreated by the Lannisters, I’m sure the Dornish people (and Oberyn Martell, especially) will get some kind of hateful glee and go out of their way to make the trade with the East Company work to get one over the Lannisters!

Also, I’m still hoping that Toni starts putting her engineering skills and 21st century knowledge to work and start creating technology that could really help people. Not weapons, but tech and medicine/knowledge that could change the world AND make bank! Also, I kinda wish she’d gone by Antonia Carbonell, not Collins, like Maria Carbonell because Carbonell sounds more “mysterious.” And I wonder if Toni will ever tell Ned more about Manhattan?
Bella-swan11 chapter 15 . 10/2/2019
Brynden Rios or rather 3-eyed raven you cannot allow Catelyn to stay alive, how many abuses Jon must receive for you to understand this; Jon is your family no matter what you say you don't remember being a Targaryen you still are. You must make Catelyn die is a hindrance, now that you've seen Tony she can be a good mother to Jon; Because Jon's destiny is to be the king and his Tony marries Ned he can convince him to put Jon on the throne. Robb talks to Jon with what your brother tells you can make him understand that maybe Tony lied to protect him, now she has enemies because of the power she has; Maybe if it's your mother they look alike.
C.M.H chapter 15 . 9/28/2019
I. Must...READ!
stylo1 chapter 15 . 9/17/2019
not bad, weird though to makre a sex chance and then romance
L'archangel chapter 15 . 9/16/2019
Thank you for the update!
Tassa09 chapter 15 . 9/13/2019
Wow. Lovely scene! Brought me to tears
MarshyKat chapter 15 . 9/12/2019
OMG OMG what happens next? I’m vibrating in my skin right now from this chapter. I LOVE IT. And I love how Ned does not say that he does not want her (of course he did not say he did but whatever) and he is not even mad he’s just like “where were you when this could happen” I’m so excited for the next chapter.
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