Reviews for Shootout At The It's Not OK Corral
blinddivinity chapter 2 . 11/5/2019
Wow! I love your fics-but I have to say, this has to be the best! Please tell me you'll be writing a novel-length sequel!
Great job. Love how you can have me surprised. Love all of your characters.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/13/2018
Loved it
ladytokyo chapter 2 . 4/22/2018
This was great. I swear you address any of the things that the show just overlooked. I enjoyed it but come on. Thanks for writing.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/12/2018
I understand where you are coming from. Something these supposedly non-sinning SFAs and their team leaders (none of whom apparently have done anything wrong and are therefore justified to throw stones) forget is that a good leader praises in public and disciplines in private. Also, to suddenly come down and start enforcing the rules for things the leader let slide just hours earlier is inappropriate and wrong. The juniors should have been given a warning that insubordinate behavior would no longer fly and should not have happened in the first place. Now you have a good agent who feels he has nowhere to turn to learn things or when he needs help - because he truly doesn"t. The supposedly great SFAs plan to use MTAC in an inappropriate manner with movie night. Too bad nobody will find out about it and write them up!
Guest chapter 2 . 1/7/2018
Nice story. Shepherd's plans for Tony being blocked leads to an interesting interpretation of what happened when she was killed. Did she hope that Tony, by following her orders, would be blamed for her death, and thus get her final revenge. This could be a topic for a future story.

Like what you right, especially the "There's Always Tom Morrow" series.
lovesanimals chapter 2 . 1/2/2018
I think that this wonderful story needs a sequel!
yiting86 chapter 2 . 12/27/2017
Great work and finally someone make Gibbs see what is the problem in front of him. Write more
katwalsh chapter 2 . 12/23/2017
While I agree with some of the comments made on this story about how Tony hazed McGee something awful when he first came to the MCRT, not one time did he ever endanger anyone's life out in the field. And truth be told, there has not been a single character that has not participated in this hateful way. But, the fact remains, as the SFA, Tony should have been treated with a little more respect than was ever given. The most recent example of this was when McGee and Gibbs were captured and Bishop was in charge of the team. Gibbs went out of his way to tell her that she had done a good job while he was away but not one time did he ever express this to DiNozzo. I like the idea the show originally had for Gibbs character, but somewhere along the way he lost his Semper Fi. Some of the things he did to Tony and Tim are downright disgusting. I think you hit the nail on the head with this story. Good work.
erik chapter 2 . 12/23/2017
A great story with an intriguing twist on the Director and her viewpoints.
Keala chapter 1 . 12/22/2017
Outstanding. I'm looking forward to the confrontation the SSAs will have with Gibbs and the fallout to follow!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/22/2017
I don't know why you kept this story to yourself for so long - it is great. I am hooked and want to read more! Thank you!
rigger42 chapter 2 . 12/24/2017
Was he really only supposed to have been in Baltimore for two years total? I guess I always thought he moved betweeen departments and it was cumulative. :P

Oh, yes, please, someone start asking about Ziva's, the fact they all know the Director had an unsanctioned op should make them all incredibly wary around her and it would be interesting to see people turn down operations and maybe have to go over her head and put on record why, so that it doesn't impact their own promotions, etc. I lack the ability to avoid ranting when I address how passionately I hate the head slaps...
rigger42 chapter 1 . 12/24/2017
I would think they could appeal to Tony with this same logic, really, that his failure to really stand up and confront them is demoralizing to others and also makes them untrustworthy in the field because they think they know better - and, because the other teams won't trust loose cannons. I think if Tony knows he has support in a public confrontation and someone outside the situation is incredibly blunt and unforgiving, maybe he'd stop seeing it as a personal insult he 'deserves' instead of a professional and organizational issue.

I'd really love to see Tony step up at some point though I like the fact the other team leaders - hell, the whole agency - seems aware that he has followed procedure but hasn't been getting any support.
DS2010 chapter 2 . 12/23/2017
Well done I loved the revolution of SSA's taking Gibbs on it was well deserved and well needed to the MCRT to start towing the line.
Loved the aftermath reactions those were fun.
Figures Jenny is still trying to be the master manipulator. Too bad she set her sites on Tony, I don't think she will get anywhere especially after the Jeanne episode.
Singing Silverwings chapter 2 . 12/23/2017
Great story! Wish that - or something close to it - could have happened on the show. Fat chance, right?! Enjoyed this perspective, glad that at least somebody had the guts to stand up to Gibbs.
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