Reviews for Brown eyed girl
Tommy14 chapter 29 . 1/20
I enjoyed your story. It's nice to read about Tank and him finding love. Great mystery to read about too.
honahlee chapter 29 . 1/17
Okay, finished your story. Was a little disappointed in the last part of the story, you seemed to lose the energy, especially in the last few chapters. It felt like you were so ready to finish the story that you tossed out the story line, and replaced it with a very shortened version, and said "There, that should do it ..." but it didn't. The tempo changed so drastically it was shouting "I want to be done, so here is an abbrevater verison, and that's all folks!" Your "fades into black love scenes," were a bit of downers. Believe me when I say many writers seem to write only for the sexual thrill of putting it on paper and bore me, I do enjoy some hints there, in fact, a scene doesn't have to be explicit. Just make me believe the writer is not a prude.
Thank you for the first 1/2 to 2/3 of the story.
melyons chapter 29 . 1/16
Great ending. I don’t usually read the usual Evil Joe/Helen stories. But I really enjoyed this one.
melyons chapter 28 . 1/16
I hope things work out for these two.
melyons chapter 27 . 1/16
Nice plotting.
melyons chapter 25 . 1/16
I meant Annie must think Trenton is Arkum Asylum with all the goings on.
melyons chapter 23 . 1/16
I can’t imagine what Annie must be thinking.
melyons chapter 22 . 1/16
I was going to say it could be Hottie Hotel. For the guys working there. Not the guests!
melyons chapter 21 . 1/16
Nice little mystery.
melyons chapter 20 . 1/16
You have to like a sensible woman.
melyons chapter 19 . 1/16
Aww. I hope we get to read about Annie meeting the Manosos.
trhodes9 chapter 29 . 1/16
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I don't know how I missed this story the first time around. Glad I read it now, although I am looking forward to the prequel being written right now.
melyons chapter 17 . 1/16
I love the phrase “ ...Helen’s berserker rage...”
melyons chapter 14 . 1/15
I should be going to bed!
melyons chapter 13 . 1/15
Sweet. Happy for Tank. I’m hoping she’ll stick around.
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