Reviews for A Steele Heart
Kymalya chapter 1 . 3/8
Unfortunately this will never be completed any further. the author passed away sometime ago.
CupcakeW chapter 18 . 9/23/2019
Good. Elliot is a good bro as always.
CupcakeW chapter 13 . 9/23/2019
Noooooo. Por favor.
CupcakeW chapter 8 . 9/23/2019
Espero que ninguno de los CPOs principales sea el traidor. Adoro a Sawyer, Reynolds y Ryan, igual Andrea, ROS, Welch y Barney.
JC Tryon chapter 25 . 9/9/2019
33, I just came upon your story. I stand in total awe of your skills to weave such an intricate tale, using only the bland characters Ms James presented. And as a beta, I find your writing to be almost flawless! I'm turning my browser now to start [with great anticipation] the sequel of A Steele Love. Excellent. Just excellent!

PS Just being a total pig here, where is "Submissive Beginning"? You see, I'm going to read *everything* your fertile mind has produced! Thank you for gifting us these stories.
ruby84 chapter 25 . 8/18/2019
update soon plz loved it want more
Linda Dockery chapter 5 . 8/7/2019
I love this story so much passion between these two and oh my I know the drama is coming the pedo bitch is out for blood especially after she sees Ana's hand on Christian's chest oh mercy
I've always wonder why Christian has to talk to Flynn when he gets all worked up over Ana I know he's a grown man never was really a adolescent cause of the pedo bitch but damn he's in his twenties now why does he run to Flynn seems like he says the bitch helped him but I don't see where . Cause he can't think straight and he's suppose to have all this control I would think knowing your own mind would be that you control your own destiny but he still relies on his therapist. On well next chapter
Lexi895 chapter 25 . 5/20/2019
Please update. This is an amazing story
limtse1978 chapter 1 . 1/28/2019
Beautiful story... it was captivating in every way... Rest in Eternal Peace Jennifer
KelleyGonser chapter 13 . 10/15/2018
Guest chapter 20 . 9/7/2018
I only recently discovered that 33 (Jennifer) the author has died. I found out as I was rereading this story and saw where someone had said for her to "rest in peace". She was such a wonderful writer and so free with her family background as it related to this story. Jennifer, you will be missed but I can tell from what you have written that you were deeply loved and loved deeply. Thank you for sharing.
Guest chapter 13 . 9/6/2018
I just left a review and while I waiting to see if it posted, I noticed another review stating that the author "Jennifer" has died. I am so sorry to hear that and I want to add my "good thoughts" to her husband and children. I pray you find peace. It will take time. I lost both of my grown up daughters in 2006. They are never far from my heart as I am sure that Jennifer will never be far from yours' either.
Guest chapter 13 . 9/6/2018
Such a great story! This is my 2nd time reading it and I'm not sure if I ever took the time to tell you how great a writer and storyteller you are...each chapter is finger-biting tense...and I don't even bite my fingernails!
Coolfire30 chapter 13 . 9/3/2018
Holy fuck. Holy fuck, that is all I have to say.
Coolfire30 chapter 6 . 9/2/2018
GODS I LOVE THAT SHE'S A FREAKING NERD AND GOES TO COMICON! OOOOHHHHHHH ugh, and the fact that she fangirls is a HUGE plus for me cause fuck, same.
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