Ipscott chapter 51 . 7/25
Thank you for the very sweet story.
Guest chapter 51 . 6/8
Good one,well
Mslee777 chapter 40 . 5/19
I've read this story before.
It's still beautiful and heartwarming.
FSOGFanFictionAddiction chapter 51 . 4/30
I can t remember if 8 told you how much I love this sweet story.
All kinds of awesomeness
snowhill614 chapter 12 . 3/11
I love all your stories and read them many times keep up the good work
Pleasingjennifer chapter 51 . 3/6
I read alot at work and i cant leave feed back there . I love how you wrote this out . Very nice ending as well .
vickiel2r chapter 36 . 2/27
Meeting new people and maybe even Mia's future bf and be part of the family.
vickiel2r chapter 35 . 2/27
Jealous Christian kept him on his toes, and good to know Ana is comfortable talking about her book and project now to a celebrity. She has come out of her shell since her first talk in school.
vickiel2r chapter 34 . 2/27
Just having a fun night in New York city with Mia's celebrity friends, but Christian has only eyes for Ana.
vickiel2r chapter 33 . 2/27
Ana hates shopping but must be having a good time too in New York, then Christian will be there too.
vickiel2r chapter 32 . 2/27
Wow go to New York just to shop for a party dress. Life of a millionaire is fun.
vickiel2r chapter 31 . 2/27
Great fun date day for the couple.
vickiel2r chapter 30 . 2/27
Good for Carrick, all that is needed to keep Mia his responsibility to shape up, and let Christian know not to spoil her.
vickiel2r chapter 29 . 2/27
Good they made up after all they are sisters and I felt Ana was harsh too on the last chapter. Now Kate knows C & A are now seriously involved.
vickiel2r chapter 28 . 2/27
Kate is feeling left out and missing the company she had with Ana but Christian is more Ana's priority now.
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