Reviews for A Mishap and an Opportunity
obvsHiNnY chapter 1 . 7/21
no worries
Natasha Bokhari chapter 37 . 7/19
This is such a good chapter, i've been waiting for wha twill finally make Sirius blow and you have worded the story beautifully, it's almost like i'm there. Can you please post the next chapter. It was very mean to leave at a cliffhanger, I was literally on the edge of my seat waiting for the end, so you have got to post. I want to find out everyone's reaction to what Sirius did.
gginsc chapter 37 . 7/15
Shouldn't Harry have expected this? Did he go back to the past before finding out about the attempt to murder Snape?
Donny Donuts chapter 1 . 7/12
"Don't touch anything" First thing Harry does is touch. So Harry is a moron? Got it.
Caza chapter 37 . 7/10
Great story so far :)
Nixiefare chapter 37 . 7/11
while I've been enjoying your story so far, this chapter blew me out of the water. really well written
nico nightingale chapter 37 . 7/9
Oh... Remus will feel horrible once he wakes up.

Damn Sirius!
Lyfus chapter 37 . 7/9
Sirius' revenge was exactly what I feared... Hopefully he will soon see the consequences of his hateful actions, and learn to be better.
Lyfus chapter 37 . 7/9
Sirius' revenge was exactly what I feared... Hopefully he will soon see the consequences of his hateful actions, and learn to be better.
Peach97 chapter 37 . 7/9
Excellent chapter! Very worried about what the consequences of this will be I’m sure the dorm will be very tense for the next while!
something-siriusly-wrong chapter 37 . 7/9
Oh Sirius, what have you done? I really hope they’ll all be okay
nico nightingale chapter 36 . 6/24
Hm... so... I don't even know what to say because there is just so much to be said!

First and foremost, gathering Marauders, Harry, and Tonks was a brilliant idea! I'm usually a little wary toward time travelling fics since there are way too many bad ones, but I am glad that the list of characters in this one compelled me to read it.

Tonks, Lupin, and Harry are some of my favourite Harry Potter characters up there on my top 5 since forever. And I've always been fascinated about the Marauders, even after I grew out of love with Sirius on Order of the Phoenix.

I confess I was happily surprised to see how you worked on Peter. It is never surprising when a fan is kind on their portrayal of Snape or Regulus since they are generally liked, but I've never seen someone being kind to Peter before.

Like Harry, I kind of started dissociating him from his future self after a while and hoping he'd grow up to be a better man in this timeline. Honestly, unless Harry turn into a Death Easter (can't see it happening, but hey... you're the writer, not me xD), I can't imagine Peter becoming one. Like, at all.

Snape and Regulus are another matter entirely since they don't seem to have changed much (Regulus because he doesn't show much, and Snape because... well, he still has reasons to be resentful, which is something he's very good at being). I think their future is linked to Sirius, though, and since he hasn't matured yet... well, the future is blank (for Regulus) or doesn't seem bright (for Snape).

In Snape's case, though... I wonder if Harry can actually make a difference. Snape has always had Lily as a good influence and even she gave up on him...

I'm just rambling theories, though.

Now, here's a question. How did Tonks lose to Sirius, though? I mean, she must be better than him. Did she lose because she took it easy on her cousin?

I think the one downside of the fic is how little we see of Tonks. She must be struggling much more than we see since it's Harry's point of view and he can be clueless sometimes.

Not that I think this is bad writing, though... it's just that I really like Tonks and kind of miss her in the story. Doesn't make it any less enjoyable, though.

Super excited to see more, but take the time you need :)
Athena-The-Alto chapter 1 . 6/11
This is most DEFINITELY the best 'Harry thrown physically back in time' fanfiction I've ever read. Keep up the good work, and I can't WAIT for the next chapter.
Guest chapter 13 . 6/1
It's been a year and he's still not over the death. You gotta make him less of a fucking bitch. All you've done in this story is make a little bitch that can only cry and complain. You haven't made him grow at all.
ZarChitatel chapter 20 . 6/3
Multiple emotional breakdowns per chapter have really worn me down. Once, alrightsomeone needs to get it out. Sure, fine. This is just a constant river of angst and it heavily detracts from the plot, not to mention all of the time wasted crying that could be used in a more useful manner. I can't stand it anymore... not my cup of tea.
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