Reviews for Draftbook Drabble 1
mschero chapter 1 . 7/28
Phew chillleee...this was good! Second read and it slaps the same!
Yayasc chapter 1 . 10/22/2014
Well damn
lvigil chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
i do love drunk mellie!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/2/2014
Your usual greatness.
fostes00 chapter 1 . 4/22/2014
Ok so...

1. You MUST continue this story...PERIOD!
2. Absolutely hilarious Mellie
3. Possibly the most frequent use of the word fuck, which I love cause it is my favorite curse word...all forms of it. Currently, using the term "fuckery" a lot...pretty sure you used that term either here in fanfic or on thank you for that! ;) see I learn on fanfic too (so there my husband!)
4. WE (the readers) ok me but I am sure others too...NEED to read more! I mean good god the action between Fitz and Olivia after his divorce is couldn't possibly deny us that, RIGHT?!
kelleekellkell chapter 1 . 4/21/2014
Love the challenge in the last two words. Waiting for more.
Cleo chapter 1 . 4/19/2014
ANY OLITZ WRITING IS OKAY BY ME. I need to get that NASTY taste out of my mouth from the other night. So wherever you go with this Olitz fiction I'm there. And in this one Fitz and Mellie are getting a DIVORCE. Yes, so Fitz and Liv can see each other without the guilt.
LoreneMichelle41 chapter 1 . 4/19/2014
This was hilariously hot. If I didn't know better Mellie was trying to turn Liv out. I mean really bow many times can you agree with the reasoning behind f%&king someone before you ask yourself if in essence you could do the same. I love your stories for the strong assertive Liv and I expect no less here. I also expect...if you continue this story...for them to break the bed, couch, wake the neighbors and put butt dents into the two weeks.
Fitzspiration chapter 1 . 4/19/2014
Drunk Mellie is the only Mellie that could hold a special placein my heart
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18/2014
Woohhoo. I love me a brave Liv. One who doesn't run away from the man she love. I'm actually not disappointed with the finale because I knew that was going to happen so IDGAF. But I love this
cakeboss chapter 1 . 4/18/2014
Fuckin genius! I love ur writing skills. I wish this was real. I love ur drunken mellie "Billy-Goat Chambers" #dead comedy at its best
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18/2014
Love it! But I don't want your Mellie avoiding her culpability for her choice/part in keeping the secret about their marriage being arranged for politics from him. IMO that's the lowest of low. If they both, of their free will embarked on a political marriage (a la Caldwell 215) that's honorable, and she's justly agonized that he wants out. But when you run a con and your mark abandons their role as a mark, for whatever reason, the blame and pain is ALL yours!
Aunt Dee94 chapter 1 . 4/18/2014
Awesome, please continue.
Clio1792 chapter 1 . 4/18/2014
Interesting to contemplate a broken, drunken, BBQ-craving Mellie...and a nicely done vignette.

Best wishes to the author,
Scandalised chapter 1 . 4/18/2014
I'm so glad I'm NOT the only person who realises this wasn't Mellie & Andrew's 1st time horizontal rhambaing! Please tell me the next chapter starts the night the divorce is final!? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! We need this after that absolutely FUQQQQQED up finale which thankfully I had the fortitude to NOT watch! The GIFS I saw were fuqqqqqqed up enough! Oh & I actually LIKE this side of Mellie. She's drunk yes, but she's being introspective & for the first time in probably her ENTIRE marriage, she's being HONEST!
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