Reviews for The Finch and the Mockingbird
I Am A Difference Maker chapter 3 . 3/16/2019
Ahh, TKaM is my favorite novel of all time, too! XD And Atticus IS the best fictional character of all time. *Insert tear-stained face* This is a GREAT story! Your characterizations are spot-on; I love it!
KeepHoping chapter 17 . 1/4/2018
I am really impressed with this story. When I write, my biggest problem is always the villain. How to make him both human and inhuman. Believable, yet so cruel that he seems impossible. You managed to do that perfectly. I loved how you used the idea from To Kill A Mockingbird. I really enjoyed reading that book even if it has been a couple of years. Now I want to reread it. I just created my FanFiction account and plan on posting a story soon. I wanted to ask if you would be willing to let me use your villain and plot. I have been considering writing a story about Shawn’s son and an OC character. This plot would be perfect. I would change it by having different characters as well as a very different ending. I totally understand if you’re not okay with this. If you don’t tell me that it’s alright then I won’t do it. Whether you let me or not I just wanted to say that your story inspired me. It was a really enjoyable read. I can’t wait to check out what other stories you’ve written.
Camaraderiee chapter 17 . 11/10/2017
This is incredibly well written! You managed a small novel! I was blown away by the detail in the plot and the accurate and believable character portrayals. Thank you so much!
Lady Lost-A-Lot chapter 1 . 5/25/2017
Psst! So... I've noticed you're writing more Psych fix again, and I was reading this (again!) the other day, cause I love it so much! Just wanted to remind you that you did promise us a sequel that I'm really looking forward to.
Lady Lost-A-Lot chapter 17 . 3/26/2017
I loved this! I just found this fic a couple of months ago and I've reread it a few times because I enjoyed it so much. When is the sequel going to be posted?
MagicWarriorDragon chapter 17 . 3/3/2017
Wow, this was a wild ride. I wasn't sure if this was going to be something I would like at first, but then I started reading it and it was exactly my cup of tea. Haha, "She didn't think it would go well to try to shake his left foot in greeting, even if it was the only limb that wasn't significantly injured." Shawn would have been very amused with that! I loved every bit of this story, and it is really one of the best psych fics on here, if not the best. Thank you for writing this.
bowties-scarves-and-magic chapter 17 . 12/28/2016
wow! this was the BEST psych story I have read ever! amazing work on the characters, dialogue, and descriptions! not to mention the plot! I can't not wait till the sequel comes out! just wow, I love your work!
Snowbeardolphin chapter 17 . 11/2/2016
I like how you wrote this story.
BrokenSky49 chapter 1 . 6/16/2016
And this story was just as great the second time around. (: You're so talented!

Have I ever mentioned that I absolutely LOVE the chapter titles? They're perfect. Top notch.

Anyway, are you still planning on posting a sequel? I hope so! If not, totally understandable.

Keep on being awesome!
Little Psycho x chapter 8 . 4/17/2016
Just thought I'd mention that a hurricane and a tornado are the same thing, sorry if I seem a bit rude, stuff like that just irks me XD but your stories great! Really enjoying it so far!
MandaScooby chapter 17 . 11/6/2015
Just finished reading this one. Can't wait for the sequel!
Guest chapter 17 . 10/10/2015
I know you posted this story last year, but I have to say, this is the second story of yours I've read (I think) and I absolutely ADORE your writing! If an author's writing style doesn't match the characters, even slightly, I stop reading the story. But I couldn't help but go to the next chapter with your fanfics! Also, I LOVE your references to everything I love. XD Such as DC Talk, Duck Dynasty, Phineus and Ferb, just to name a few. Keep up the fanTASTIC work! God bless!
katierw80 chapter 14 . 8/16/2015
I'm re-reading this story for at least the second time. Lots of work went into writing this! The one very small critique I have is that there would have been a helicopter to the kidnapping scene instead of an ambulance for someone in that location with injuries that bad.
DwaejiTokki chapter 17 . 4/25/2015
Loved this! Read it all in one sitting.

Thanks so much for writing!
Empress Akitla chapter 17 . 2/24/2015
Awesome story! Made the mistake of starting it at midnight last night and having to finally go to sleep and finish it today. Kept me on edge the entire time, probably not good for my heart or stress levels, but very good nonetheless.

On another note, I just want to mention that "Hunger Games" wasn't produced as a movie until 2012, and if I read this right your story takes place in season four which would be in 2009. Just a small note that I noticed. Nothing big.

Keep up the awesome writing!

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