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White Knight Chronicles Roleplay
An active role play group for the WKC. Original Storyline Completed. Now starring and accepting Character Creations for a Wild Western and Halo Effect Chronicles!
English - Topics: 38 - Posts: 19,731 - Since: 06-08-12 - Admin: False Shepard
Crossover Chronicles
Welcome to a world where you're Avatar(s) & favorite WKC characters fuse with the worlds of your favorite anime, book, game etc. All you gotta do is bide by the rules & have fun.
English - Topics: 12 - Posts: 7,175 - Since: 02-20-13 - Admin: Forever Free Evergreen
The Knights of Old
Bring your questions, comments, concerns, whatever! Anything White Knight Chronicles is welcome here!
English - Topics: 16 - Posts: 6,996 - Since: 02-05-11 - Admin: Shadow of the End
White Knight Chronicles: Ancient Heart and Foreign Soul Roleplay
Loosely based off of the comic, a coming-of-age princess and wine-delivery boy find themselves trapped in a seemingly fictional problem that had began several Millennia ago, and was believed to be finished. Yet, time pursues a man until it is finished with them. And, in this case- time is never finished with anyone in this story. Even the lives who realized that they were bound to them. (Slightly changed Storylines/ After Stories/ The Early Years)
English - Topics: 6 - Posts: 1,228 - Since: 07-22-13 - Admin: The Moonlight Sonata
White Knight Chronicles Q&A
levels, bonuses, skills, weapons, farming, items, georama, boss weaknesses, anything! come and ask any question.
English - Topics: 3 - Posts: 9 - Since: 06-14-12 - Admin: EyeofLight