Home Forums Games Princess Debut Forums
The Ballroom
For anyone dying to talk about Princess Debut and its plots, twists, and of course dance partners. Post away! Spoilers may or may not be rampant.
English - Topics: 5 - Posts: 136 - Since: 10-29-08 - Admin: The Scarlet Sky
Dance Chat the Night Away
Feel free to talk about the game Princess Debut. The dancing, the pairings, and other things you wish to chat about!
English - Topics: 3 - Posts: 82 - Since: 07-10-11 - Admin: chaiyo
Finding You
This is just about a oridnary girl who trades places with the princess. What will happen? Who will her partner be? Please read! Im new to ff!
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 08-23-12 - Admin: Dogslover123