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English - Topics: 1 - Posts: 6 - Since: 09-08-14 - Admin: Scriptythelonely
3-2-1 Penguins! shippings
Post what you think of 3-2-1 Penguins! shippings here.
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 06-22-13 - Admin: katrinahood
[홍대오피 오피걸 ]「OPOPGIRL*컴」 홍대역오피 홍대OP 홍대오피방
구글 『오피오피걸』 홍대에서 제일 잘나가는 오피 건마 휴게텔 안마 정보모음 -홍대op, 홍대오피정보, 홍대건마, 홍대스파, 홍대안마, 홍대휴게텔, 홍대오피사이트, 홍대러시아, 홍대밤문화정보
Korean - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 02-04-17 - Admin: rkdslqdk
【강동오피 오피걸】 『OPOPGIRL*컴』 강동건마 강동안마 강동휴게텔
구글검색-오피오피걸 국가대표유흥정보 「opopgirl02 com 」 :강동오피 강동건마 강동휴게텔 강동립카페 강동핸플 강동풀싸롱 강동안마 최강동보 국방부는 사드 발사대 2대가 지난 6일 강동 공군기지를 통해 반입됐다고 설명했다. 사드 포대는 적절한 절차를 거쳐 경북 성주의 골프장 부지에 배치될 예정이다. 국방부는 부지의 원 소유자인 롯데 측과 지난 2월말 부지 교환 계약을 체결한 바 있다.
Korean - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 03-11-17 - Admin: fkeksldd
Friza, a twelve year old. And is A foster Care child. Read more pls
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 09-22-17 - Admin: LaylaIsCoolthat
! Disclaimer! Leafy is a leaf that can walk and is ”alive”! Leafy And The Big City Leafy woke up in his family tree thinking that it's going to be a normal day as usual, little did he know it was going to be much, much more strange than he thought. Anyways, he woke up to his alarm clock, "Wake Up! Wake Up!" It said. "ughhhh," he said while slowly opening his eyes. "why does it have to be morning already," he said while rubbing his eyes. He sat up, took a big stretch while yawning. And looked to see what time it was. 10:00 AM is shown. He looked around to see what was happening outside around him. "Morning Leafy!" Said Emma flying past him, (she is a bird). "Morning Emma". He looked down on the other side of his branch, "rise in shine George". See George was Leafy's brother. Other than the other million family members he had in that tree with him. "Ready to start the day?" Said, George. Every morning the family has a job, George and Leafy were a branch of the "FSI" that stood for "Food Scavengers Industry", their job was to search and grab all the cranberries they could find in order to feed their family tree. Luckily since it was the year 2020, cranberries were the "new cool" so they had them everywhere! They mainly searched in carts for them though so it would be easier to grab. But they had to walk a long way to get them. So there they were, filling their storage packets with cranberries. But once Leafy put his first foot on the ground he heard thunder roaring all around him. He turned around to see what it was and he saw rain rushing towards him. He looked at George and yelled "RUN!". George and him ran so fast their feet could barely carry them. While they were running home Leafy saw ahead of him a bunch of cars in there way that seemed as if they were going 100mph. He looked around for a shortcut (still running) and seen a tree that was right next to there family tree. "Over There!" Leafy screamed at George while pointing to the tree. They climbed that tree like there was no tomorrow, there would be if they went even a slight bit slower. They got on the tree to find a branch to let them go to there home. Leafy turned around and saw that the rain was only a couple feet away from them. "GO GEORGE," he said rushing him "I AM" George snapped back. So George jumped and made it, then it was Leafys turn. Leafy was one branch higher than George so he had to transform like a leaf and glide home. See when he does that though he can't see at all, but it was a risk he had to take. So he jumped and he... well. Sometimes in a movie, there's a sad part. We never want it to happen but it does. So I guess know you know he... LIVED! Although he is not in good shape. When he jumped and transformed, midway through a raindrop hit him. And he went down like all the other raindrops. Luckily he woke up the next day, once again he sat up, stretched with a yawn, and looked around. But he's now some where completely different than where he was before. "Where... where and I?" He said rubbing his head. "Why your in Kawasaki!" Said a chipmunk running to him "ughhhh" he said dropping back down to the ground. His heart sank so deep that he felt as if he could throw up. But he didn't. Why he was so upset was because he lives all this way in a city called "Iwaki" and let me tell you that's a long ways from there 222.02 km to be exact put that into miles and you got 137.957 miles. Put that into feet you have 728412 feet and 11.52 inches. Basically what I'm trying to say is that it's going to be a while for him to get back home. It would take weeks, months, maybe even a year! For just a little leaf to walk that far would take a miracle, that's what he's hoping for right now at least. The chipmunk ran up closer to him "your not from her are you?" She said "not at all..." he replied. She saw the disappointment on his face. ”well I can help!” she said in a joyful voice. ”how?” he said in a depressed tone. ”well you know... I basically know this city like the back of my hand, and I got friends that know places to get you back to your home!” she said in a confident and boasting way. ”really?” he said starting to retain hope. ”you betcha!” she said. Leafy regained hope faster than anyone ever could. He jumped up and looked at that chipmunk with the most joyful look on his face. "Now that's the spirit! Come on, let's get you home”. She said smiling at him. While Leafy was following the chipmunk he had so many questions about her, like where is he going, why is this chipmunk helping him, and what even is her name. "I don't mean to be rude or anything" Leafy said in a sort of quite tone to her "but what is your name exactly?" He said having so many more questions in his mind. The chipmunk looked at him as they were walking "I do not know what my name is..." she said soothingly. "I was lost from my home ever since I was a baby, I didn't know what to do". Leafy had felt immediate sorrow for her as the awkward silence went by as they were walking. "What about you?" She said in a calming tone. "What?" He asked unsure of what she meant. "You did say that your not from here, didn't you?" She said as if she was a lawyer ready to strike at any moment. Leafy looked away for a second, his fist on his chin while his other was holding up the other. He looked back at her "yeah, I guess" he said, still not understanding the question. "Well, then how did you get here? You are a long ways away from your home!"
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 09-06-18 - Admin: Mariah Mae17
Naruto RP
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 04-06-19 - Admin: LupusRed217