Home Forums Anime/Manga Dinosaur King Forums
Dinosaur King RP
After Max, Rex, and Zoe found their three stones other stones have been found along with different dinosaur cards and move cards now create your OC and RP.
English - Topics: 7 - Posts: 205 - Since: 02-03-10 - Admin: Gamer165
Dinosaur king Roleplay
a dinsoaur king role play set after season two anything goes
English - Topics: 3 - Posts: 43 - Since: 06-02-11 - Admin: jboy44
Dinosaur King Roleplay
You can make up characters. And the characters are all in the story together. Other users can join in and make the story up, Bad Summary, I know .
English - Topics: 2 - Posts: 28 - Since: 03-20-11 - Admin: Whirlwind Aroma Zoe
Challenge for Dinosaur King
I've had an idea for a potential novel-length Dinosaur King fic that has been rattling around in my head for ages. However, I'm way too busy with my current work, which may last several years, so if you think you can take it on, be my guest.
English - Topics: 2 - Posts: 17 - Since: 05-16-11 - Admin: Fergus Flamacron
Dinosaur King-A New Day
After season 2, the stones have once again returned and now a new D-Team must rise and use the stones to save the world
English - Topics: 9 - Posts: 11 - Since: 10-15-19 - Admin: Daggerstar of Riverclan
Story Help
Looking for a co-fiction partner? Need to bounce some fanfiction ideas off of another user for feedback? This is the place to be!
English - Topics: 3 - Posts: 0 - Since: 02-22-12 - Admin: spkdog