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The Best Of
The best Breakfast Club fics are archived here. The most original ideas, greatest character shots, and the best shipper stories. Great place to start for a first time reader.
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 73 - Followers: 24 - Since: 07-03-05 - Founder: TWbasketcase
Craziest in Love
A collection about Andrew Clark, played by Emilio Estevez, and Allison Reynolds, played by Ally Sheedy, from the amazing film The Breakfast Club. All stories have to do with our favorite Jock and Basketcase, Andy and Ally, but may feature other couples as well.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 17 - Followers: 13 - Since: 07-12-06 - Founder: DeepBlueQL
Brian Johnson: The Neo-Maxi-Zoom-Dweebie
I'm a fan of The Breakfast Club and everyone in it including our favorite nerd, Brian Johnson. I gotta really feel for the guy, in detention he had Bender make fun of his life "Life at Big Bri's House", he's the 5th wheel of the club, and when he confessed, I understand the gun thing because that's serious, but when it was for an F he received in shop (which is understandable) I kinda felt they made him pathetic, even the fact that he got with no one still stings me. I would say his mother is to blame.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 15 - Followers: 4 - Since: 01-14-14 - Founder: Childhood Enigma
Breakfast Club Slash
An archive of all Breakfast Club slash stories on this site. Includes all pairings. [Adjust the ratings filter for 'M' stories.]
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 5 - Followers: 0 - Since: 09-22-06 - Founder: MidnightBlue88
Eat My Shorts!
A C2 dedicated to the cahrahzy antics of our favorite criminal: John Bender. Romance, humor, and angsty stuff all welcome here! As long as it has to do with Bender!
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 8 - Followers: 0 - Since: 09-27-05 - Founder: Sadie Lovegood