Home Communities Games Yo-Kai Watch Communities
Yo-Kai Watch: Two Watch Holders in Love
Here are some of the best stories of Yo-Kai Watch that revolve around the relationships of our two watch holders. NatexKatie
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 10 - Followers: 11 - Since: 04-08-16 - Founder: muk854
Your Characters, Your Stories: Yo-Kai Watch
It's OCs galore in here! At least one OC (character made up by author) is in every fanfic in this community. In this case, it's Yo-Kai Watch stories! Come one, come all, to this instant party for Yo-Kai Watch fans! Enjoy!
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 17 - Followers: 0 - Since: 05-27-16 - Founder: StrangeBoyMyles.mp4