Home Communities Comics Hanna is not a Boys Name Communities
Preservation of good HiNaBN fanfiction
Before there's to many to go sort through, I present the finest fanfiction there is to offer in the Hanna section
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 3 - Followers: 1 - Since: 08-26-10 - Founder: 37942
Hannapocalypse: Post-Apocalyptic HiNaBN AU
A collection of the stories that take place in the popularized Hannapocalypse AU; including others of post-apocalyptic flavor, offshoots, tributes, and re-imaginings. Many stories within the AU canon feature ConWorth slash. Please notify the manager (with a link) if any have been forgotten!
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 29 - Followers: 0 - Since: 01-20-14 - Founder: leaky.oven
New and exciting fanfictions!
This community is for anyone to post their HiNaBN stories on, whether you are a first time writer or a seasoned pro, so as to hopefully bring them to the attention of others quickly. If you would like your stories on here feel free to PM me, and likewise if you would like to become community staff. Let's do our best to save the floundering world of Hanna, {...}, Conrad, Worth, and more! It doesn't matter how good you think your story is, we'd love to read it so don't be shy. Any genre or rating is welcome.
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 2 - Followers: 0 - Since: 11-23-13 - Founder: Kiwi-kisses-are-sour
Partners in Everything
{...} and Hanna make an awesome team. /community contains platonic, bromance, and slash.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 20 - Followers: 0 - Since: 08-25-11 - Founder: Steamcraft