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Zane and Danica
The pairing that started it all! Zane and Danica, one of the best love stories of all time.
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 11 - Followers: 6 - Since: 09-14-08 - Founder: The Masked Butterfly
Alternate Storylines In Kiesha'ra
All about fanfiction that may provide twists to the actual story, but still somehow remaining faithful to the actual storyline.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 3 - Followers: 0 - Since: 02-21-09 - Founder: WhenDonkeysPranceLikePonies
The Wyvern Effect
Kiesha'ra fiction that is about the future or is an interesting take on the story. If your story could be either AU or not, depending on how you look at it, it will probably be here. They also are well-written and T and under.
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 4 - Followers: 0 - Since: 01-25-08 - Founder: Faermage-KH Junkie